About Us
We are Tony and Barbara and live with our Bulldogs in the beautiful, rolling countryside of rural Shropshire England…our three daughters and son live in their own respective homes not too far away.
Leslie and Mary , Barbara’s parents owned Bulldogs before she was born, in fact, her dad owned his first bulldog in 1925 when he was thirteen years old. Upon his retirement in 1977 he decided to breed again and produced a litter which contained our first Bulldog Earl Benjamin .We had owned and bred Staffordshire Bull Terriers but had just had a bad experience with a C section necessitating a hysterectomy on a loved young Staffie Bitch (Jane) , who had just carried her first litter (she subsequently mothered many Bulldog puppies until she died aged thirteen) .This experience exposed us to C sections and it became evident that all breeds from time to time needed this surgery to overcome birth problems and was not as we had been led to believe a unique risk when breeding Bulldogs.
- Earl Benjamin proved a great show dog wi
nning many trophies and prizes at Open and Championship Show level and we were overjoyed when he obtained his stud book entry. He can be found on all our pedigrees. Of course we were now well and truly hooked. Barbara bought a young brindle bitch Leebarton Isis and under the tutelage of Ellen and Les Cotton (Aldridge Bulldogs) bred our first litter, joined several Bulldog Clubs and became Committee members of The Birmingham and Midland Counties Bulldog Club , later Tony was invited onto the committee of The Bulldog Club Incorporated, enjoyed stewarding and also started his Judging career in the U.K..
In the mid eighties an opportunity arose for us to go and live in the USA and together with ten Bulldogs a Peke and a Lhasa Apso we settled in Ottsville Pennsylvania .We joined local Bulldog Clubs and attended as many shows as Tony’s busy schedule allowed .He was Manager of International for a New Jersey based Multi National and was globe trotting for most of his working life .
- In 1992 due to company acquisitions we elected to move back to
England and did so with ten Bulldogs (some different to the ones with which we had arrived in the USA) a cat and a Lhasa Apso. We rejoined the UK Bulldog Clubs and were voted onto the Committee of the ‘Birmingham’ where Tony later became the club’s secretary from 1998 to 2010.Barbara was elected the club’s President and stepped down in 2019 In 1999 Tony accepted early retirement which enabled him to Judge the Breed at CC level not only in the UK but also in Australia ,Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Denmark. France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sicily, Spain , Switzerland ,The Russian Federation and the USA.. Pictures of his winners are on the “Judging” page .Tony has served consecutive 3 year terms on the Bulldog Breed Council Education ,Judges and Health committees and was elected Chairman in 2016, served a 3 year term and stepped down in May 2019. Our hobby has made us many friends worldwide who share our love for this breed and we invite you to view the following pages on this site for pictures of the dogs we have living with us and those who have done so over the years but are sadly no longer here.