Bulldoggers in the UK should be aware that the Kennel Club has introduced a "Breed Watch" as part of their fit for function initiative. This is to be used by judges and noted by breeders.These aew as follows according to the KC wwebsite on the 1st January 2025 :-
Signs of respiratory difficulty or distress (laboured or rapid breathing, excessive respiratory effort, respiratory noise)
Eyelids not in normal contact with the eyeball, they are turned inwards or outwards
Signs of dermatitis irritation in skin folds, and/or hair loss or scarring from previous dermatitis
Heavy overnose wrinkle (roll)
Lack of tail, screw tail, inverted tail or a tight tail
Pinched nostrils
Too fat
Add YHU/HU MEANS THE AFFECTED OFFSPRING HAS INHERITED A COPY OF THE MUTATED GENE FROM EACH PARENT (SO BOTH PARENTS MUST AT THE VERY LEAST BE CARRIERS) Indications are that approximately 1 in 100 affected dogs may develop stones and may have to have these surgically removed (sometimes more than once). The pain suffered by the dog when it is unable to urinate must be agonising and the question must be asked "If by a simple, affordable genetic test we can stop just one dog from suffering the trauma associated with this disease, is it not incumbent upon ethical breeders to test their dogs prior to breeding thus avoiding the unnecessary possible creation of an affected puppy?" If you as a breeder do not wish to lose your line ,in the worst possible scenario, assuming you own a dog who is affected or a carrier, you can breed to a clear bitch and as the chart shows 100% of the pups will be carriers so none will be affected ,keep the best, sell the rest as pets not to be bred, then breed your keeper to another clear partner, test the pups produced ,half will be clear and half carriers , keep the clear and you have maintained your line and eliminated the rogue gene. We have the science lets use it to breed healthier bulldogs. How are these tests done and what do they tell us? It involves taking a swab from inside the dog's mouth and submitting the swab to the AHT. (Animal Health Trust) The test reveals if the dog has a high risk of developing the disease for which it is tested or whether it carries a gene (or is free from that gene) that can be passed on to its offspring .This does not mean that the dog or its offspring will become ill ,only that the gene is present . The same service is available through Laboklin Laboratory in Manchester www.labokil # See chart at bottom of this page to learn how to manage you vreedings to get from an affected fog to a final clear descendant
Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs
Laura J. Sanborn& nbsp; April 1, 2007 SUMMARY
An objective reading of the veterinary medical literature reveals a complex situation with respect to the long- term health risks and benefits associated with spay/neuter in dogs. The evidence shows that spay/neuter correlates with both positive AND adverse health effects in dogs. It also suggests how much we really do not yet understand about this subject.
On balance, it appears that no compelling case can be made for neutering most male dogs, especially immature male dogs, in order to prevent future health problems. The number of health problems associated with neutering may exceed the associated health benefits in most cases.
On the positive side, neutering male dogs
. eliminates the small risk (probably <1%) of dying from testicular cancer
. reduces the risk of non-cancerous prostate disorders
. reduces the risk of perianal fistulas
. may possibly reduce the risk of diabetes (data inconclusive)
On the negative side, neutering male dogs
. if done before maturity, increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) by a factor of 3.8; this is a common cancer in medium/large and larger breeds with a poor prognosis.
. increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 1.6; this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds
. triples the risk of hypothyroidism
. increases the risk of geriatric cogniti
ve impairment
. triples the risk of obesity, a common health problem in dogs with many associated health problems
. quadruples the small risk (<0.6%) of prostate cancer
. doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract cancers
. increases the risk of orthopaedic disorders
. increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations
For female dogs, the situation is more complex. The number of health benefits associated with spaying may exceed the associated health problems in some (not all) cases. On balance, whether spaying improves the odds of overall good health or degrades them probably depends on the age of the female dog and the relative risk of various diseases in the different breeds.
On the positive side, spaying female dogs
. if done before 2.5 years of age, greatly reduces the risk of mammary tumours, the most common malignant tumours in female dogs
. nearly eliminates the risk of pyometra, which otherwise would affect about 23% of intact female dogs; pyometra kills about 1% of intact female dogs
. reduces the risk of perianal fistulas
. removes the very small risk (?0.5%) from uterine, cervical, and ovarian tumours
On the negative side, spaying female dogs
. if done before maturity, increases the risk of osteosarcoma by a factor of 3.1; this is a common cancer in larger breeds with a poor prognosis
. increases the risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 2.2 and cardiac hemangiosarcoma by a factor of >5; this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds
. triples the risk of hypothyroidism
. increases the risk of obesity by a factor of 1.6-2, a common health problem in dogs with many associated health problems
. causes urinary "spay incontinence" in 4-20% of female dogs
. increases the risk of persistent or recurring urinary tract infections by a factor of 3-4
. increases the risk of recessed vulva, vaginal dermatitis, and vaginitis, especially for female dogs spayed before puberty
. doubles the small risk (<1%) of urinary tract tumours
. increases the risk of orthopaedic disorders
. increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations
One thing is clear -- much of the spay/neuter information that is available to the public is unbalanced and contains claims that are exaggerated or unsupported by evidence. Rather than helping to educate pet owners, much of it has contributed to common misunderstandings about the health risks and benefits associated of spay/neuter in dogs.
The traditional spay/neuter age of six months as well as the modern practice of paediatric spay/neuter appear to predispose dogs to health risks that could otherwise be avoided by waiting until the dog is physically mature, or (perhaps in the case of many male dogs) foregoing it altogether unless medically necessary.
The balance of long-term health risks and benefits of spay/neuter will vary from one dog to the next. Across-the-board recommendations for all pet dogs do not appear to be supportable from findings in the veterinary medical literature.
Interesting site on genetics :-
Pet Insurance can be obtained from The Kennel Club, Pet Plan, Marks and Spencer and Sainsbury's
Garlic for dogs -interesting article:
"Garlic, the Facts, by Lisa S. Newman, ND, Ph.D.
"When it comes to your pet's health, do you want to follow facts or fears? Unfortunately, garlic has come under attack. This is primarily as a result of garlic's close cousin onion's reputation for triggering hemolytic or "Heinz factor" anemia (where circulating red blood cells burst) through its high concentration of thiosulphate. With onions, a single generous serving can cause this reaction. Garlic simply DOES NOT CONTAIN THE SAME CONCENTRATION of this compound! In fact, it is barely traceable and readily excreted (not stored in the body).
Despite this fact, garlic is falling victim to mass hysteria spread through the internet. Yes, there are 51,174 sites devoted to warning about the "toxicity" of garlic, this hysteria has even prompted the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center to place a warning on garlic although there is little scientific data to back this claim other than the fact that thiosulphate is also found in garlic. Yet, there are also over 400,000 sites still proclaiming its benefits, many of them from reputable holistic veterinarians who have widely used garlic in their practice for many years!
How can an herb suddenly turn so bad?!
There is no doubt that onion, due to its concentration of thiosulphate, will cause Heinz factor anemia. In addition, as stated by Wendy Wallner, DVM, "Onions are only one of the substances which can cause Heinz body anemia. Other substances such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and benzocaine-containing topical preparations can also cause Heinz body anemia in the dog." The latter probably accounts for many cases as it is prevalent in creams often recommended for allergy-suffering pets due to its ability to numb the itch. It is absorbed through the skin and builds up in the blood stream. This other substance is likely to have been involved in cases where garlic was suspect.
For centuries, as long as humans have been using herbs, garlic has been a primary remedy turned to in a majority of cases. For as long as people have been using garlic, they have also been feeding it to their animal companions. Its properties have proven far reaching, easy on the body and safe to use. In the past fifty years, during the rebirth of holistic medicine in the United States, garlic has been in the forefront. Every text that I have researched on herbal health which mentions pet care has recommended it, especially for its incredible anti-parasitic and anti-septic properties. In my own experience, garlic has also benefited pets with cancer, diabetes, liver, heart and kidney disease, uncontrollable staph infections and a host of other conditions, as well as been a staple in my recommended preventative protocols. It has been widely used by hundreds of thousands of pet owners with no reported negative side-effects - except its effect on their animal's breath - until now. This is the point; garlic has suddenly become a "suspect," not proven the culprit. Do not let mass hysteria determine a holistic care program for your dog or cat. Follow hundreds of years of "proven use" rather than recent "suspicions" in regards to this miracle herb, as garlic is known to be. As with anything, do use garlic in reasonable doses, and do know that you can trust history over hysteria.
Since 1982, Dr. Newman has been a world renowned pioneer in the field of natural pet care. The author of nine books
Nice warm lazy summer days are ideal to spend a lot of time outdoors with your dog however make sure that care is taken to avoid your pet from overheating because if that is allowed to happen the consequences may be fatal. Ensure that there is always access to cool clean water, have a bottle and bowl with you if going on long walks or travelling away from home. On very hot days, go for a walk early in the morning or late in the evening when it is cooler and the tarmac is also not so hot on the dog’s pads. Do not leave your dog in a car even with the windows open as heat quickly builds up and heatstroke follows quickly. Dogs love to lie in the sun on a warm day but make sure they have access to shade and keep an eye on them. If it is too hot to go for walks, swimming or paddling through cool water can be considered. Not all dogs like to swim so do not just drop your dog into a swimming pool. Before you allow your dog to go into freshwater lakes, rivers, ponds and canals make sure they are clean as some types of blue-green algae are toxic to dogs and if your dog accidentally strays into one, take him to your vet. Watch out for fast flowing currents before allowing your dog to swim in a river. If you go on the beach take fresh water with you as drinking salt water will make your pet sick and remember to wash off any salty water and sand with fresh water to stop skin irritation. Avoid risky situations as too many owners drown trying to save their pets, Dogs do not sweat, they regulate their body temperature to keep cool by panting and releasing heat through their nose and pads .However in extremely warm conditions they can suffer fatal heat stroke within minutes so you should be on your guard and be prepared to act quickly. If your dog suddenly begins to pant excessively, begins to dribble or collapses you should immediately take him to a cool spot, where cool air is circulating, wet their coat with cold water and call your vet immediately for assistance.
What to do immediately if you suspect Heat Stroke
First, move your dog out of the heat and away from the sun right away.
Begin cooling your dog by placing cool, wet rags or washcloths on the body - especially the foot pads and around the head. Don’t cover the dog completely. An ideal solution can be the use of a body cooler (www.petcooler.eu).
DO NOT use ice or very cold water! Extreme cold can cause the blood vessels to constrict, preventing the body's core from cooling and actually causing the internal temperature to further rise. In addition, over-cooling can cause hypothermia, introducing a host of new problems. When the body temperature reaches 103 °F (39,44 °C), stop cooling.
Offer your dog cool water, but do not force water into your dog's mouth.
Call or visit your vet right away - even if your dog seems better. Internal damage might not be obvious to the naked eye, so an exam is necessary (and further testing may be recommended). While at the vet, applying alcohol to the ears, foot pads and groin are common tricks to safely lowering the temperature, as well as administering cool IV fluids. The dog may be given oxygen, dextrose, cortisone, antihistamines, anticoagulants or antibiotics.
Keep the dog moving.
Prevention is the best medicine
Avoid vigorous exercise on warm days. When outside, opt for shady areas.
Keep fresh cool water available at all times.
Look at our links page to get onto other informative BULLDOG sites
A Wealth of information on this marvellous breed can be obtained from the following Recommended Books. This list is not exhaustive and other publications are also available and highly sought after by Fanciers of the breed.
Practical Guide to Dog Breeding Aniwa Publishing from Royal Canin.
Le Bulldog Anglais by.Claude Pacheteau ISBN 2-84416-484-6
Veterinary Notes For Dog Owners edited by Trevor Turner BVet Med,MRCVS ISBN 0-09-173817-2
THE 20th CENTURY BULLDOG by Marjorie Barnard ISBN 1-85
Pet Owner's Guide To The Bulldog by Judith Daws ISBN 1-86054-112-7
The BULLDOG Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow by John F.McGibbon ISBN0-87605-070-4
BULLDOGS AN OWNER'S COMPANION by Christian Bruton ISBN1-86126-134-9
Bulldogs Today by Chris Thomas ISBN 1-86054-005-6
The Bulldog Monograph 2002 by John A Little Ph.D ISBN 0=9721126-1-8
The New Complete Bulldog by Colonel Bailey C Hanes ISBN 0-87605-068-2
Bulldog by Michael Dickerson ISBN 1-902389-04-2
Best of Breed Bulldog edited by Malcolm Presland ISBN 1-906305
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