it is inevitable that, in the dog world, enthusiasts who participate in breedingand also gTe involved in club activity are, sooner or later invited to Judge their breed and this becomes the first step towards becoming a" breed specialist".. Some people consider taking up judging as many breeds as they can and become known as "all rounders".
Judging is an enjoyable hobby ( or even career ) for many as long as once in the ring all consideration is concentrated in the selection, in descending order of merit, those exhibits one honestly believe are healthy representatives of the breed. The exhibitors attend the show for the op[n[on of the judge on the day and the majority will accept the decisions of seen to be made in good faith and will ensure good attendance for that judge at future events.
I have been fortunate and honoured to have been invited to judge Bulldogs not only in the Uk (England, Wales and Scotland) Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy (including Sicily), Norway, The Netherlands, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa Spain, Switzerland and the USA and have listed the shows judged , with photos of principal winners and my critiques on this page. ==PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW EACH SHOW.