Class 23. Veteran Dog - No entries
Class 24 Minor Puppy Dog 6-1 Abs.
A hard first class with some lovely pups competing who may easily change places on a given day.
1st Mr. G. Payne .Fearnought King of The Road. Striking and mature for age , R&W with pleasing head properties ,flat finely wrinkled well furrowed skull with well set rose ears well away from widely spaced dark eyes showing no white looking forward and well filled under, large nose with open nostrils, good pigmentation, good sweep and fit of underjaw ,strong tacked on shoulders with good straight bone down to strong pasterns and tight ,well knuckled feet ,well filled chest ,so in all offering the most desirable of fronts, strong moderate neck, well ribbed with pleasing topline , good brisket ,defined tuck up and free good tail, good firm hindquarters , moved well .BP
2nd Mrs. P. J. Freeman Testwood Total Eclipse R&W not as mature as first but a cobby youngster well put together ,with flat long skull not at all overdone ,well set fine rose ears well away from dark eyes ,well cushioned, good nose with open nostrils, pleasing pigmentation for a very clean tearstain free white faced dog good fit and width of underjaw, tacked on shoulders straight strong bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, good depth of brisket, offering a square front, strong well arched neck ,strong short back with pleasing topline ending with a well set free tail, well ribbed, pleasing tuck up, good brisket, good hindquarters ,moved well.
Class 25 Puppy Dog 1 entry absent
Class 26 Junior Dog (2)
1st.Mrs.L.Handley.Haddaway Hey Bulldog. Striking fawn brindle and white adolescent and a handful for his handler , with a very bright future having impressive large head properties, a long brick shaped well wrinkled flat broad and deep skull with defined furrow ,fine rosed ears well set and wide apart with good distance to dark eyes also wide apart showing no white and well within the contours of his cheeks , large nose with open nostrils ,great width and fit of undejaw with one of the best set of teeth on the day. firm tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet. Good depth of brisket ,the whole offering a pleasing front when standing still for a moment. strong neck with good arch, pleasing pear shaped body ,good tuck up well set free tail, good firm hind quarters ,moved well.
2nd Mr. R. Haines Homesweetcan Chester Justafiabull (Esp Imp)NAF R&W cobby youngster with flattish skull, rose ears ,good dark eyes, large nose with wide open nostrils ,pleasing sweep of underjaw, good tacked on firm shoulders with straight boned finer than first, strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, pear shaped body, good rear hindquarters, moved well.
Class 27 Yearling Dog 1 absent
Class 28 Postgraduate Dog 2
1st Mrs.A.George Avaword King George R/W Well Built with large flattish skull ,well furnished ,well set rose ears ,dark eyes showing a little white, large nose with good nostrils, well rounded cheeks, wide upswept underjaw ,strong tacked on firm shoulders with great straight bone to well knuckled feet, offering pleasing front, strong well arched neck, pear shaped body with good rib and tuck up, good tail set a little high ,good rear quarters, moved well.
2nd Mr.M.J.Steel Chayo White Night at Chealseapride. Standard White pied with flat skull ,well set rosed ears, good dark eyes showing a little white, open nostrils, good pigment, good sweep of jaw, tacked on shoulders, enough brisket, straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, pleasing front ,short back with pleasing topline and well placed free tail good hind quarters moved ok.
Class 29 .lLIMIT DOG 5-2abs
1st.Miss C.L.Reynolds.D’Or Wood San Valero At Gratiabull(Imp) R&W Bulldog with typical stand off expression having broad, brick shaped flat skull with well set rose ears well away from dark eyes wide apart showing little white, well furrowed wrinkled head but not to excess, tidy nose roll, open nostrils, good pigmentation, good sweep and fit of jaw ,tacked on firm shoulders to straight good bone and strong pasterns with tidy knuckled feet, good depth of brisket and well filled chest presenting the desired square front ,strong well arched neck, pleasing topline, well ribbed ,nice tuckup, free tail ,moved well RCC.#
2nd Ms C.A.Briddon Ministar Rocyn Rebel.R&W with typical desired finely wrinkled, broad flat brick shaped skull with well set fine rose ears having good length to widely spaced dark eyes showing a little white , tidy nose roll, good pigment, nice sweep of jaw, just a little more angulation to well firmed shoulders will improve ,good straight bone with strong pasterns, well arched strong neck ,nicely ribbed ,pleasing topline and tuck up ,good firm hindquarters, moved well
Class 30. Open Dog 7-2 absent.
This was a difficult class to Judge because of the fairly equal quality of the exhibits and most can easily change places on another day 1st Mr.A.Sanson,s Pique Oliver Twist R&W Standard size quality male with pleasing head properties large and flat with good length, depth, and finely wrinkle straight furrow ,having rose ears well away from dark well spaced dark eyes that showed a little white and well filled under, large nose with wide open nostrils, good pigmentation, well rounded cheeks .broad wide upsweep of underjaw . Nicely sloping tacked on firm shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, with well filled chest and good depth of brisket ,the whole makes for a pleasing correct front. A strong arched neck with a short broad back slightly rising over the loin and a good tuck up finished off with a free tail completed the picture .Movement was good maintaining his shape so fully deserved the CC and Best of Breed.#
2nd Mr.S.& Mrs.C.Sauvee’s D’Or Wood San Sebastian EUWJ. A White standard compact well put together male who fills the eye with a flattish head both broad and deep finely wrinkled with good furrow, well set fine rose ears well away from dark eyes wide apart and well filled under, rounded cheeks with nice width of foreface ,moderate nose roll over large nose with wide open nostrils ,good sweep and fit of wide underjaw, well tacked on firm shoulder with good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, chest well filled offering a very pleasing front. Well arched strong neck of moderate length pleasing top line with arch over loins, barrel ribs, good tuck up free tail and moved well. Unfortunately he appeared to have an irritation to an eye or would have challenged for top honours.
Class 31 Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog no entries
Class 32 Veteran Bitch No Entries
Class 33 Minor Puppy Bitch 5 Entries
1st Ms.A.George Avaword Tarra White 9 month old very much a baby delightfully oozing quality in a compact package with nice head finely wrinkled forehead with defined furrow, having well placed rose ears with good length to dark eyes showing a little white well spaced apart and showing absolutely no sign of tearstain. with good filling under, large nose with good nostrils ,fine moderate nose roll, excellent pigmentation for a white one, well rounded cheeks, pleasing sweep of well fitting underjaw,a well filled chest and tacked on shoulder with enough straight bone, feet may need a little more road work, nicely arched neck of moderate length leading to short broad back with arch over loin, good depth of brisket and pleasing tuck up, well set free tail and moved ok BPB
2nd Mr & Mrs.J.James’ Testwood Hippy Chick for Boyatbull another delightful r&w baby with pleasing head ,finely wrinkled, having well set rose ears. with good distance to dark well spaced eyes well filled under, moderate fine nose roll, well placed nose with good nostrils ,good pigmentation, well rounded cheeks, pleasing sweep of wide well fitting underjaw, enough tack of firm shoulders , well filled chest ,good straight bone to strong pasterns but here too a little more road work to tighten feet and shorten nails, good arch of strong neck ,strong ,short and broad back with slight arch over loin leading to tail just free enough, barrel rib and deep brisket, with good tuck up and pleasing hind quarters, moved well.
class 34 Puppy Biitch
1STMr.D.R.D & Mrs.C.Rodgers.Bellushi Moonlight Lover. Striking R Br & W with desired Flat skull finely wrinkled and good furrow, rose ears, dark round eyes showing very little white, fine moderate nose roll, large nose with the widest of open nostrils, pleasing sweep of wide well fitting underjaw, well tacked on shoulders , enough straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy well knuckled tight feet, well filled chest offering pleasing front, well arched neck leading to short broad back with rise over loin to good tail set, barrel rib and pleasing tuck up provides desired pear shape. moved well.
2nd Black-Treasure Dogs Yara at Margobull R&W with large broad well wrinkled head, with good furrow, well set rosed ears well away from good dark eyes showing very little white with good filling under, well rounded cheeks, broad foreface, good nose roll,large nose with good nostrils, wide well fitting underjaw, good pigment, well filled chest with firm tacked on shoulders ,enough straight bone to well knuckled feet, moderate strong neck nicely leading to pleasing topline having desired rise over the loin with good tuck up ,barrel rib ,deep brisket, pleasing free tail and good hindquarters, moved well.
Class 35. Junior Bitch 4 entries 3 Absent
jUN 1st. Mr A R & Mrs.C L Bannister.Andlare Ifs and Buts Stood alone , Beautiful chunky white with one red patch over eye, I have admired as a pup and going over her, loved her many good attributes ,she has a wonderful flat broad skull finely wrinkled with a defined furrow, correctly placed rose ears well away from the most expressive dark eyes ,wide apart , that show no white when looking forward, with a wide, nicely turned good filling underjaw and rounded cheeks gives her the broad foreface we all strive for,a large well placed nose with wide open nostrils ticks off many of the points awarded in the past for a good head. A good well filled chest and tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet completes the desired front look, a strong well arched neck leading to a broad short back with rise over loin and barrel rib , deep brisket with reasonable tuck up, and nice free short straight tail, a little straight but strong hindquarters and a happy mover completes the picture of a bitch that on the day in the challenge asked for and was awarded the RCC
Class 36 Yearling Bitch 2 entries -1 abs.
1st Mr.B.Crothers Hazembulls Paris. R&W Standard ,with good flat well wrinkled skull, having well placed rose ears, dark eyes with good width between showing a little white, well rounded cheeks, moderate roll, large nose with good nostrils, good pigment,good upsweep of underjaw,,nice front with tacked on shoulder enough straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet. well arched strong neck leading to broad back with rise over loin ,deep brisket and good tuck up, tail a little high set but good and free, good rear quarters moved ok.
Class 37.PostGraduate Bitch 1 entry
1st.Mr.Cizek Bohemiapride Miska R&W Std with flattish finely wrinkled skull, well set rose ears, dark eyes when open, moderate nose roll, good nose with open nostrils, good sweep and fit of underjaw, good front with tacked on shoulders enough bone to firm pasterns and tight feet, good arched strong neck, leading to short broad fairly level back, good hindquarters, pear shaped body, moved ok.
Class 38.Limi Bitch 13-4 absent.
A class with some very even strong exhibits that had to be fined down and could change places on another day.
1st.Ms.C.A.Briddon Ministar Roces Rockabye R&W Standard chunky girl I have liked since a puppy, has a flat broad finely wrinkled skull ,deep through and of good length ,slightly low set rose ears well away from dark widely spaced dark eyes showing no white when looking forward ,rounded cheeks, moderate clean nose roll,well placed large nose with wide open nostrils pleasing turn up and good fit of wide true underjaw, well filled chest with firm tacked on shoulders to good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy well knuckled feet providing the desired front, moderate strong neck, well arched, leading to powerful short broad back with nice arch over loin to well placed free tail .barrel ribs, good tuck up strong good hindquarters and another happy mover completed the picture pushed hard for top honours
.2nd.Mrs.S.&Mr.C Mathews. Starora Lucia White pied another that filled my eye with the desired flat broad deep through skull which I am pleased to see returning to the breed, lightly wrinkled with good furrow and well set fine rosed ears. well away from well spaced dark eyes within the contours of the cheeks with good filling under, fine moderate nose roll, large nose with wide open nostrils ,good pigmentation, good turn up of wide true well fitting underjaw, well filled chest with good tacked on shoulders ,slightly loose, good straight bone to well knuckled feet providing appealing front when not stood too wide, nicely arched moderate neck, leading to broad back with rise over loins to free tail, barrel rib and good tuck up providing the desired pear shape, Moved OK.
Class 39 Open Bitch 13 entries-8 abs.
1st.Mrs.V.Haddad Proud to be One Del Caliborso R BR & W Ultra typy feminine standard neatly packaged bitch with pleasing finely wrinkled broad skull with good furrow having well set fine rose ears well away from widely spaced round open dark and widely spaced eyes within contours of her rounded cheeks showing no white and well filled under ,moderate, fine clean nose roll, good well placed nose having good nostrils, excellent pigmentation ,good turn and fit of underjaw, solid well filled chest flanked by well tacked on shoulders with sufficient straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy well knuckled feet providing a pleasing square front ,well arched strong and moderate neck leading to short broad back ,with barrel ribs, pleasing top line to well set free tail .firm hindquarters moved ok asked for and was awarded the BCC.
2nd Mr.s & Mrs.C.Sauvee’s Ch.Del Papiol Penny Lane WWJ BOY WW R&W standard impressive 5 year old R&W ,with large ,broad and deep through finely wrinkled and furrowed skull,with nice rose ears far from widely spaced dark eyes showing little white and well within the contours of her rounded cheeks, moderate clean and tidy nose roll over well placed large nose with good open nostrils, good pigmentation broad upturned well fitted jaw ,incisors worn to gums showing age, well filled chest flanked by firm tacked on shoulders, with good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy well knuckled feet, well arched strong neck leading to broad strong back with pleasing rise over the loins to free tail set slightly high, having barrel rib with deep brisket and good tuckup ,with good firm hindquarters moved well deserving Champion.