West of Eng;and Ladies Kennel Sociery G.Ch.Sh.27/04/2018





I thank the committee of WELKS for inviting me to judge Bulldogs at their Ch. Show on the 27 April 2018, also my stewards who did an excellent job in the ring and especially the exhibitors who provided a good entry for a Friday and for all those that turned up braving the traffic on that very wet cold day. I appreciate the sporting attitude with which my decisions were accepted, It is important to remember that no perfect living being has yet been created and so when judging in the ring or as a spectator remember the old adage “To their virtues be kind and to their faults a little blind” . Also in my mind the picture of Hutchinson’s The Perfect Bulldog is my template . Unfortunately, several dogs who may have had top awards were either sluggish or lame which may have been because of the very cold and wet conditions, if not, this problem must be addressed by their owners. I noticed a marked decrease in wry jaws but pleased to note no breathing issues, good clean eyes all round and the majority were sound in movement.. Class 386 MPD 6(1)1st Mr. Murphy’s Wembholt Simply Red Impressive ,alert R&W baby. Stunning head properties for a minor puppy with rose ears ,dark round eyes showing no white, wide apart, well padded cheeks, wide open nostrils, good length of philtrum ,good mouth and pleasing wide upsweep, square front with good bone and strong pasterns to tidy feet, enough arch of strong but moderate neck, well ribbed short body, good topline, pleasing tuck up, firm hind quarters, free tail, forgave the sluggishness on the move in the class because of his age and other great attributes but unfortunately was lame in the challenge for best puppy in breed.BPD 2ND Mr & Mrs.Eaton’s Trappist Maximus Meridius Ricatori R&W .Strong Male with good length of skull ,rosed ears, dark eyes showing a little white, open nostrils , upsweep not as wide as first, Tacked on shoulders need to tighten otherwise pleasing square front with well padded fore chest , having good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, slightly longer cast than first but well ribbed with deep brisket ,good topline, defined tuck up, free tail strong hindquarters ,moved ok. 3rd Mr & Mrs.Bradshaw’s Brarabus Vince.Class 387 PD 6(1)1st.Mr & Mrs Ironmonger’s Burchell Mr Bohannon at Britanic Br&W Flashy youngster who should mature into a good adult example of the breed having good length of finely wrinkled skull with well placed rose ears dark eyes showing little white good nostrils , pleasing upsweep of under jaw, Tacked on shoulders with straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, short body thus providing a less defined topline but with good spring of rib, defined tuck up, sturdy correctly angled rear quarters ,free tail moved well. 2nd Lockwood Brown and Curtin’s Shiloh Rumpold. F&W Impressive , More mature and heavier male than first with good length of skull, more heavily wrinkled ,having well placed rose ears ,dark eyes showing little white, set wide apart good padding under eyes, upswept jaw nice and wide,Good square front with good depth of chest, enough tack of shoulder, well boned to tidy feet, short thick neck on to a short well barreled body having pleasing depth of brisket and maintaining a defined tuck up, free tail, good rear quarters paddled a little on the move.3rd. Mrs.A.Bentley Triarder Abita Becks.Class 368 JD 13(4)Strong Class with good dogs going cardless here 1st. Mr & Mrs James Rosco’s Masterpiece By Em. Flashy R&W with a lot of presence Having a fairly large and long skull ,lightly wrinkled with good width between well set rose ears. well placed dark eye showing very little white, good open nostrils , pleasing sweep of underjaw, nicely tacked on shoulders and enough depth of chest to provide a square front with good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, well arched strong neck ,pleasing well ribbed pear shaped body with enough length for pleasing topline ,well set tail good rear hindquarters moved well and beautifully handled.2nd T.F.&N.C Phillips’ Rokoluck Mr. Cracker R&W with very little to choose from two such similar types and my description would only repeat how I described the first, the only difference on the day was my first appeared more alert and on his toes both dogs should have good prospects for the future.3rd Mr & Mrs Bannister’s Andlare Okey Dokey Class 369 YD. 7(1) Strong class filled with good quality young males which augurs well for the breed 1st Mr & Mrs.Eaton’s Ricatori Redesigned.W&R pied dog I have watched maturing into the lovely alert standard dog he has become with the classical fairly large head shape so difficult to find in the breed these days, it is very gratifying to come across a quality young adult dog whose head is flat not domed having good length with rose ears correctly placed as far away as possible from his dark eyes showing little white and set wide apart. Tilted back nose with good open nostrils and length of philtrum .Good pigmentation. Well padded cheeks .Wide upswept jaw. In all, providing the desired sour expression. Firmly muscled tacked on shoulders, good depth of chest. Good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet thus providing the square front so desired in this breed. Moderate , strong neck, well arched. Short body that tends to slightly flatten his topline, but having barrel rib good brisket and defined tuck up ,free tail well set. Strong rear quarters ,presented in hard condition and moved well ,a credit to the owners and the breed, asked for and deserved the DCC & BOB 2nd.Mr&Mrs.Dearlove’s Lumbuse Mr Douglas Home for Ryjarlow.R&W Slighlty smaller than first but beautifully balanced fit male having a pleasing flat skull finely wrinkled and with good length, fine, slightly low set rose ears wide apart and far away from dark round eyes showing a little white, laid back nose with open nostrils and good length of philtrum ,pleasing upswept jaw, stand off sour expression, firm tacked on shoulders, good bone down to strong pasterns and compact feet that would benefit from shorter nails. Strong arched moderate neck, compact body with barrel rib pleasing topline and good tuck up, well set free tail, sturdy hindquarters, moved well, offers a lot to the breed and should have a good future.3rd Mrs.L.Watkins Shipshape J’Adore. Class 390 . PGD .2. 1st. Mrs.Ghent Bollinger Snoopy Blue at Danickies. R&W Male having large head of pleasing length well broken up and finely wrinkled with rose ears far away from dark eyes showing a little white, well padded cheeks ,large nose with good open nostrils ,pleasing upswept wide jaw, firm tacked on shoulders, good straight bone to strong pasterns and feet that would benefit from shorter nails. In all, having the desired square front. Strong arched neck of moderate size , slightly long cast body having good spring of rib, defined tuck up, fairly level topline and free tail, would have preferred more rear angulation .Moved OK.2nd. Mr & Mrs Allen’s Rainfire all About Amos. Impressive R&W male with brick shaped well wrinkled skull , having well set rose ears ,dark eyes showing some white, large nose laid back with nostrils a little tight but good sweep of underjaw and offering a stand off expression, firm shoulders would have benefited with more angulation , strong straight bone ,up on pasterns. short barrel ribbed body with deep brisket ,defined tuck up and good topline ,sturdy rear quarter ,rear left leg appeared to tremble unusually several times as he was being shown. Moved ok. Class 391.Limit Dog.10.(1) 1st Mr & Mrs Bannister’s Andlare Everhard JW BR&W Upstanding male, having fairly large moderately wrinkled head with well set ears ,dark eyes showing no white, well padded cheeks ,large nose ,pleasing wide underjaw, firm shoulders to strong pasterns. feet would benefit from shorter nails. moderate strong neck ,well ribbed pear shaped body with pleasing set of free tail .sturdy hindquarters moved well.”2nd Shiloh Sebastion Sealaville.F&W larger male than first with fairly large head , much heavier wrinkle than first having well set rose ears, with eyes showing a little white, large laid back nose with pleasing open nostrils, good sweep of underjaw not as wide as first. Well muscled shoulders to strong bone, up on pasterns but feet would benefit from shorter nails, well ribbed body having good tuck up and pear shaped with good set of free tail and sturdy hindquarters .moved ok. 3rd Mrs Chetwynd..Rhydycroesau White Magic. Class 392 OD 13(3) What a pleasure to have such a well filled open dog class of quality dogs to go over.1st. Mrs.S.M.&Mr.B.Pickering’s Ch Happy and Glorious Hennessy. R&W flashy, standard, balanced, alert, honest, fit quality male who lived up to his name. Having a fairly large well furrowed ,finely wrinkled head of good length with rose ears well away from dark widely spaced eyes showing little white ,well padded cheeks, large nose, good nostrils, good length of philtrum, pleasing width of underjaw, well muscled shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet the whole producing the desired square front .Short body with good spring of rib ,pleasing top line ,good tuck up and free tail, sturdy hindquarters moved as if he owned the ring , asked for and pleased to award him the RCC. 2nd Davis Ch. Milasha No Retreat Ocobo R&W pied, another quality male I have judged before, heavier than my first with fairly large, well furrowed wrinkled head of good length ,rose ears well away from dark eyes showing a little white, well padded cheeks, large nose, good nostrils and length of philtrum, upswept wide underjaw, well tacked on shoulders, deep chest ,good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet .well arched strong moderate neck .Body slightly longer cast than first having good spring of rib.deep brisket ,roached topline, good tuck up with correct set of free tail. sturdy hindquarters moved ok. Well deserved Champion.3rd . Mr & Mrs Parker’s Albionpride A Kind of Magic. Class 393. SP BD 1(1) Class 394 Sp B B 0 VB 1 (1)Class 395 MPB 9(4) Mrs C Cobb Stanryk it’s a Dream W Lovely baby with good brick shaped flat finely wrinkled well furrowed skull, well set rose ears away from dark eyes showing very little white, well padded cheeks , large nose with open nostrils, wide upswept underjaw, tacked on shoulders to straight good bone with strong pasterns and feet that would benefit from shortened nails. Strong, moderate well arched neck, nice spring of rib ,good tuck up ,pleasing top line, well set free tail, good hindquarters moved well but would benefit from more ring training which may well have given her an even higher award.2nd Mr.A.Brosnan Wembholt Zygarsea Cosmic Crush.R&W Standard Bitch with an impressive fairly large brick shaped flat skull not often seen in the breed today with correctly set rose ears far away from round dark eyes showing little white, well padded cheeks, laid back large nose with open nostrils ,finished with a well turned wide underjaw the whole spoilt by tearstain, Good tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet. Short body having well sprung rib ,would have liked more rise over loins, free tail and sturdy rear quarters moved ok.3rd Mr & Mrs Smith .Nobozz Darcy two Saintrosemil NAF TAF.Class 397 PB.9(3) 1st McHale’s Eastenders Persian Punch Kelloe R&W feminine baby with fairly large well furrowed wrinkled head having well set rose ears far from dark eyes showing little white and wide apart, large nose, good upsweep of under jaw, good depth of chest, with straight bone to feet that would benefit from having shorter nails. strong moderate neck with good arch, pleasing topline with well set free straight tail and sturdy rear quarters carrying a little weight forgiven as a puppy. Moved well BPIB.2nd Miss Nieman’s Shoecott’s Wind Dancer .Another pleasing feminine R&W well balanced standard sized baby with fairly large flat head with good length, lightly wrinkled and well furrowed having well set rose ears, away from widely spaced dark eyes large nose ,pleasing upsweep of underjaw, having tacked on shoulders good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet which could also do with shorter nails. Deep chest ,the whole providing the desired square front. Good arch of strong moderate neck, well ribbed body having pleasing topline with good set and shape of free tail, sturdy hindquarters .moved ok. 3rd. Greenall and Evans Startini Capella. Class 398 JB 18(6)A strong class with deserving dogs going cardless . 1st. Mr.A.Vickers Sealaville She’s Kenzy at Aidabullyz F&W impressive bitch when viewed from the front with striking head properties ,brickshaped .fairly large with well set ears well away from widely spaced dark eyes showing little white, well padded cheeks, large laid back nose with good open nostrils and length of philtrum, good sweep of wide underjaw, deep chest flanked by strong tacked on shoulders with great bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet. Moderate strong neck, barrel rib with good tuck up but to complete the picture would have liked more roach of back and lower set tail, good sturdy hindquarters moved well. 2nd. Dymond’s Avaword Isabelle Another with a head of similar properties to first but not so much padded cheeks, with good depth of chest tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and again shortened nails would benefit feet, nicely arched strong neck, well ribbed, good tuck up ,pleasing topline, well set free tail and sturdy hindquarters ,would greatly benefit from ring training to show her at her best.3rd. Mr & Mrs Eaton’s Midlandbulls Candycrush Ricatori.Class 399.YB 11(3) Another pleasing strong class 1st Mrs G.Weller’s Baalzebull Constance For Geenawell. W with red patch on head. Honest standard balanced girl with pleasing head having rose ears a little low set, good dark eyes showing little white, large nose with good open nostrils ,wide upsweep of underjaw, well muscled shoulders with deep chest flanked by good bone to strong pasterns and feet that would benefit from shorter nails. Good arch of strong moderate neck. Good spring of rib, pleasing topline and defined tuck up. Well set free, correct tail. Good rear angulation and moved well asking for the red card. 2nd.Ashton & Dodwell’s Asharlo Gypsy Rose Br/W flashy very feminine balanced bitch with good length of skull having well set rose ears, good dark eyes showing little white, well padded cheeks, large nose with open nostrils lovely sweep of wide under jaw ,pleasing depth of chest, good bone to strong pasterns and feet that would benefit from shortened nails .barrel ribbed body with deep brisket showing good tuck up and pleasing topline with good set of free tail. moved well. 3rd Mrs. Walker ‘s Britishus Valentina.Class 400 PGB 4(2) 1st Mr & Mrs Mielcrarek ‘s Valleybulls Single Lady at Margobull white compact bitch with broad flat well wrinkled skull ,having well set rose ears ,good dark eyes showing a little white spaced wide apart, well padded cheeks, good sweep of underjaw and beautifully pigmented, deep chest ,firmly muscled shoulders ,good strong bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, well arched, strong, moderate neck, short compact barrel ribbed body with enough rise over loins and good tuck up with well set free tail and sturdy rear quarters, moved well 2nd Mr.& Mrs.d & L Davis’ Ruakuri Bound For Glory JW R/W with fairly large well wrinkled head of good length, having well set rose ears far from dark well spaced eyes showing a little white, well padded cheeks, pleasing, wide upswept jaw but expression spoilt a little by tearstain, well tacked on shoulders good bone to strong pasterns and feet that would benefit from shorter nails, body a little longer cast than first, but having good spring of rib well covered but not obese, correct free straight tail placed lower would have pleased more ,moved well. Class 401 LB 5 (1)What a quality Bitch class.1st. Mr & Mrs Lee’s Milasha Gigi ,I must say having been delighted with my yearling dog here was a stunning feminine white girl immaculately presented to give him a run for his money with similar classic head properties, a quality young adult female whose head is flat not domed nice and square with rose ears correctly placed as far away as possible from dark eyes showing just a little white and set wide apart. tilted back nose with good nostrils and length of philtrum .Excellent pigmentation. Well padded cheeks .Wide upswept jaw. In all, providing the desired sour expression which is what this breed is all about. enough tack of shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and feet that could do with shorter nails. Strong but moderate arched neck, short body with good spring of rib, defined tuck up and pleasing topline with good set and shape of free tail. sturdy hindquarters moved ok. Coat showed signs of altercations with kennel mates but easily forgiven. Asked for and was awarded BCC. 2nd Miss A George’s Avaword Connie standard feminine impressive female with good broad well wrinkled and furrowed skull, having well set rose ears far from good dark well spaced eyes showing a little white ,a little more padding of the cheeks would please more, good depth of chest ,tacked on shoulders ,well boned to strong pasterns with feet which could also do with shorter nails. good arch of strong but moderate neck, pear shaped body with well sprung rib good tuck up and pleasing topline, good free tail would please more if set slightly lower good rear quarters.. moved ok. 3rd.Ashton & Dodwell Asharlo Tooty Fruity Class 402 OB 9 (2) 1st Mrs A Bentley’s Ch Triarder That’s It That’s All Impressive R/W female with fairly large long skull ,finely wrinkled ,having rose ears set far from dark well spaced eyes showing little white. A little more padding on cheeks would please more, Large nose, laid back with good nostrils and length of philtrum, pleasing sweep of wide underjaw, good deep chest ,firmly tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and feet that would please more with shorter nails, strong well arched neck, barrel ribbed with good tuck up and having a good set of free tail, best mover in the class ,A deserving Champion and pleased to award her RCC 2nd Mr & Mrs Saxon Bagibeli Queen of Hearts. R&W viewed from the front an impressive bitch with fairly large broad well wrinkled skull of good length with well set rose ears far from dark eyes spaced wide apart and showing very little white ,well padded cheeks, large nose with open nostrils, good sweep of wide underjaw, enough depth of chest well muscled tacked on shoulders ,great bone to feet that will benefit with shorter nails, strong arched moderate neck, good spring of rib would prefer more arch over loins but well set free tail .Preferred movement of first. Another fully deserving Champion that has much to offer the breed.3rd Mr & Mrs. Manders’ Ch Erimusbulls Rita Hayworth.