Club Espanol Del Bulldog Ingles

MonograficaDe Talavera De La Reina 8/10/2016

l wish to thank the committee of CEBI for inviting me to judge your show and especially my thanks to the following: Jose Garcia and Pilar Diaz for their kind hospitality on behalf of the club ,Mr.Torres for collecting and returning me to the airport, Antonio Soler for stewarding and translating and last but not least all the exhibitors who brought their dogs on such a warm day for me to judge and who accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. I was impressed with all the dogs who showed absolutely no breathing issues despite the heat, all were presented in a professional manner and I was pleased to find none that were undeserving of an excellent rating. It should be important for breeders in Spain to recognise however that there has been a lot of good work done in the UK for the past few years in eradicating tight , immovable tails on the dogs in the show ring so that there is still work to be done in this area in Spain. A very few exhibits showed that they were very pampered pets who needed to walk on hard surfaces to tighten their feet and strengthen their pasterns, hardly any showed signs of wryness so all in all they were a credit to their owners. I thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere with some of the exhibitors who came to the late after show dinner where we discussed several topics relating to Bulldog history, standard descriptions and how some health issues in the breed can be eradicated. I wish the club all the best for the future.