I wish to thank the members of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Bulldog Club for electing me to Judge their June 7th 2015 Championship Show and for the hospitality extended by the committee. Also my stewards for ensuring all went smoothly and last but not least, to the exhibitors, some of whom traveled long distances to obtain my opinion and who, in the main, accepted my decisions with a sporting attitude. Exhibits were generally presented in an impeccable condition no bad breathers and no lame dogs. More dogs, especially the youngsters now possess the desired brick shaped skull instead of the roundish heads we have had for some time A very few needed attention to either ears or nose roll, some needed nails clipped. Some, otherwise excellent exhibits that may have done better, had wry jaws and it is a characteristic which must be watched closely and not allowed to become widespread. In general, there has been a massive improvement in free movement of tails especially in the early classes which bodes well for the future of show going dogs, at least, and hopefully for the breed as a whole. We still have to work on nostrils, the standard has always asked for wide open nostrils and breeders who have seen how well a feature can be improved through selection (as in tails) should now apply this criteria to nostrils. The standard has also always called for broad sloping shoulders with elbows well away from the ribcage. Too many dogs have vertical shoulders with elbows close to or under the ribcage and so have no chest to speak of.. Also, otherwise good dogs have straight hocks and judges seem to ignore this or to forgive them too easily. Due to the fierce competition some lovely exhibits, especially in practically all the bitch classes, had to go card less but this can only be good for the future of the breed. My mentors told me that when judging “To their virtues be kind and their faults a little blind” but it turned out that I had to consider the finer details today, after all. The club’s vet (The Bulldog specialist vet in the Midlands) was carrying out Breed Council Health Testing for the Bronze Certificate Award and when the show was over he specifically came over to tell me that my BIS had been tested that morning and he had found her to be one of the healthiest bulldogs he had come across so far and he was pleased to see such a deserving exhibit being awarded the highest honour, saying -surely this was the way forward for the breed. It is also pleasing to see that owners (too few as yet) of some of our Champions are submitting their dogs to these health tests. T




Cl.1 MPD (6.1) 1st Nobozz Reef. R&W standard, cobby balanced, very much a youngster, having pleasing brick shaped flat skull with fine wrinkle, ears well placed and rosed, dark eyes wide apart with frontal bones well visible with good cushion,, good layback, open nostrils, good nose roll, wide swept up jaw, strong well arched neck, square front, well placed elbows, deep chest, legs with good straight bone to well knuckled feet, tacked on shoulders, Barrelled rib cage, short strong back, enough rear angulation with free pleasing tail, moved well, expertly handled as usual, one to watch with a bright future ahead.BPIS.2nd Calibra Chichester.Br/W heavyset, eye catching specimen, with large pleasing brick shaped flat wrinkled skull typical of this kennel, low set rosed ears, round dark eyes ,showing no white, wide apart and good cushion ,good layback, open nostrils, heavier nose roll than first ,wide swept up jaw, square front, deep chest ,legs with good straight bone to well knuckled feet, well muscled shoulders, good rib cage, strong back just a little longer than first, strong rear well angulated hindquarters moved well but a little excited today. Another with a good future ahead.3rd.Nobody Under Suspicion Exclusivebull. Cl.2 PD.(5.0)1st Michell V’T Patdana Home at Terralynda.Br/W Lovely, flashy, standard, balanced youngster having pleasing brick shaped finely wrinkled flat skull, ears well set and rosed, round dark eyes showing no white , wide apart and good cushion, good layback, wide open nostrils, pleasing fine split nose roll, wide swept up jaw, strong well arched neck, square front, deep wide chest, well placed elbows, legs with enough straight bone to well knuckled tight feet, nicely tacked on shoulders, good rib, pleasing topline, well angulated rear, moved well. pushed hard for BPD. Another with a bright show future.2nd Britishpride Kings Ransom.R/W Pied Standard 10 mth old youngster still in need of ring training, having long well wrinkled skull, low set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide open nostrils, pigment has to finish, upswept jaw, good square front, good depth of chest ,well boned legs to well knuckled tight feet ,thick ,well arched neck, pear shaped body with short back and pleasing topline having low set tail. Good rear angulation ,moved ok.Cl3.JD.(6.1)Ch. Pheorm No Surrender .W/red patch on ear. Standard cobby dog having large skull with low set rosed ears, good dark eyes set wide apart and showing little white when looking forward, with frontal bones well visible and good cushion, open nostrils, full nose roll ,pleasing sweep of jaw with good wide mouth ,square front ,wide chest with strong well muscled shoulders and straight legs with good bone to well knuckled feet. strong arched neck, good rib,. Free straight tail , moved well .RCC 2nd Manark Just for you Bullisimo Br/W Standard, cobby dog having large finely wrinkled skull with well set rosed ears , good dark eyes set wide apart, wide open nostrils short thick neck,, pleasing front. with good bone, good rib, good rear moved well.3rd Britishpride Fly The Flag.Cl 4.Cl 4.YD.(6.3) 1st Pheorm Keyboard Conan.W, Standard, cobby dog very similar to his brother, having large skull with low set rosed ears, good dark eyes set wide apart, good cushion ,pleasing sweep of wide true jaw, square front with strong well muscled straight legs with good bone to well knuckled feet, short neck, well muscled shoulders, good rib.. Free, highly set straight tail, a little more rear angulation would be pleasing moved ok.2nd Jaqles Jammie Dodger, R&W impressive masculine exhibit having pleasing brick shaped flat skull with fine wrinkle, ears well placed and rosed, dark eyes wide apart with frontal bones well visible and good cushion, good layback, wide open nostrils, full nose roll, wide swept up jaw ,well arched neck, square front, legs with good straight bone with strong pasterns to well knuckled tight feet, . strong arched neck, good rib, pleasing topline ,strong well muscled rear quarters with good angulation ,moved well ,slightly longer in back to first.3rd.Baalzebull Chianti.Cl.5 ND (5.1)1stOcobo Meant to be at Triarder. R/W standard male having Long skull ,low set rosed ears ,dark eyes set wide apart showing little white when looking forward, good nostrils, fine nose roll, pleasing sweep of jaw, square front with strong well muscled shoulders ,good chest with elbows standing well away from ribs, straight legs with good bone with strong pasterns to well knuckled feet. Strong ,well arched neck, well ribbed body slightly long cast, high set free tail, enough rear angulation ,moved well.2nd Orchardrose Patrick at Hunthorn F&W standard male having large round skull ,low set rosed ears ,dark eyes set wide apart, good cushion, full nose roll, good nostrils, moderate upsweep of jaw, square front with strong well muscled straight legs with good bone, well knuckled feet, short thick neck, good rib, good tuck up, tail highly set and a little tight, more rear angulation would please ,moved ok.3rd Jaybelabee Thor. PGD (9.6) 1st.Honourabull Chile ‘N’ Salsa for Ragmarte. Striking Mahogany & Red standard male having brick shaped flat skull with fine wrinkle, ears well set and rosed, dark eyes wide apart with frontal bones well visible and good cushion, good layback, open nostrils, would prefer a finer nose roll, wide swept up jaw, square front, legs with good straight bone with strong pasterns to well knuckled tight feet, short thick neck, good rib, tail a little high set, strong rear quarters. With good angulation moved ok.2nd.Taybull Doc Martin of Belushi.R/W Judged him as a pup and he has matured well, now an impressive heavyweight with massive long ,well wrinkled brick shaped skull. well set rosed ears, , dark eyes wide apart showing little white when looking forwards ,with frontal bones well visible and well filled under, good layback, open nostrils, good nose roll, pleasing sweep of jaw, square front with strong well muscled straight legs with good bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled tight feet. Tacked on shoulders, strong well arched neck, good rib, pear shaped body strong rear quarters with good angulation, moved ok but a little unsettled today.3rdBritishiicon Ninety Nine.Cl 7.LD 1st Ricatori Roman King R/W Impressive, upstanding ,heavyweight, having massive well wrinkled skull, well set rose ears, dark eye showing no white when looking forward, set wide apart, full nose roll, good nostrils, good sweep of jaw, square front, tacked on shoulders, well muscled straight legs with good bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet., strong well arched neck, barrel rib,broad back, good tuck up tail set a little high, good hindquarters with pleasing rear angulation, moved ok pushed for RCC .2nd Nobozz King Kong R&W standard male, not as substantial as first but having good wrinkled skull with well set rose ears, dark eyes wide apart with frontal bones well visible, full nose roll, wide open nostrils, good sweep of jaw, square front straight legs with enough bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, nice arch of neck, tacked on shoulders, good rib, back slightly long cast ,otherwise pleasing topline with well set free good tail, good strong hindquarters, moved well .3rd.Suttonweaver Jack The Lad.CL 8 OD.(5.1) 1st Ch Sealaville He’s Tyler. R&W Male I awarded Best Puppy when I judged him 2 Years ago and he did not disappoint. Now a dog full of substance in peak condition and a true showman .Large skull ,well wrinkled, low set rosed ears, dark eyes wide apart with frontal bones well visible, showing little white when looking forwards , good cushion,, full nose roll, good nostrils, pleasing sweep of true jaw, straighter line of teeth would widen mouth, square front, deep wide chest well let down, well muscled and well knuckled tight feet, tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows good barrel rib strong broad back ,pleasing topline, ,good tuck up, tail set on fair, strong hindquarters with pleasing angulation, moved as if he owned the ring .DCC BOS RBIS.2nd Mystyle Count Anthony.R&W Male of substance, with the pleasing brick shaped long skull I admire, having well set ears, good dark eye, wide apart with frontal bones well visible showing little white when looking forwards , good cushion, full nose roll, good open nostrils. broad wide jaw with good upsweep, front with well muscled legs and good straight bone to strong pasterns, more depth of chest would improve, well muscled shoulders, short thick neck, well sprung ribs, short back, pleasing topline free tail ,strong rear quarters with just enough rear angulation . as usual expertly handled and moved well.3rd Ladymere Alabama SlammerR/W. A quality dog I liked very much indeed. Good Brick shaped skull, with well set rosed ears, good dark eyes showing no white, wide apart, well cushioned, good open nostrils wide upswept lower jaw with straight line of teeth, wide deep chest, nicely tacked on shoulders, elbows well away from ribcage with good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled, tight tidy feet ,the whole giving the desired arched square front look so sadly lacking in many of today’s exhibits. Nicely arched strong neck, good barrel rib, deep brisket, pleasing top line, good tail set just a little high, good rear with pleasing angulation, moved well, carrying just a little too much weight so level tuck up. A credit to his breeders and fully deserving his placing.CL9 VD 0 CL10.MPB.1ST Wencar Ice Ice Baby.As white as her name describes, very eye catching mature nearly nine months old baby with pleasing long skull having well set rose ears. widely spaced dark eye ,fine nose roll, excellent pigmentation, good turn of wide jaw, pleasing front with deep wide chest well let down, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet. Well arched strong neck, deep brisket, barrel rib, pleasing topline .free straight tail. moved well. Has a very bright future .2nd Florencewood Angel of Peace at Britbull R/W lovely seven month baby, having brick shaped skull with well set rosed ears which will settle, wide apart dark eyes showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, fine nose roll, good pigmentation ,wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of wide jaw, deep chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled tight feet, barrel ribbed with pleasing brisket, slightly long cast ,good free tail set a little high, good rear angulation, moved well.3rd Saffiena Ford Thunderbird at Suttonweaver.CL11(7.3) 1st Brarabus Kimberella. F/W standard, striking baby with lovely brick shaped skull, low set rose ears, dark eyes set wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, well cushioned , fine nose roll, good pigmentation ,wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of wide jaw, wide deep chest well let down between forelegs, good sloping tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled tight feet, well arched strong neck ,well sprung ribs, strong very short back would prefer tad longer otherwise pleasing topline with well set free tail, strong rear quarters ,a little more angulation would have completed the picture moved well .has a very promising future BPB pressed hard for BPIS.CL12. JB.(13.4)1st Britishrose Pure Gold. R&W Just over 12 months old, very attractive youngster with good length of flat, well wrinkled skull, having well set rosed ears, slightly heavy now but should be fine when head is fully grown, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, fine nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of wide jaw, deep chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled feet, ribs well sprung, good tuck up ,pleasing topline with well set free tail, enough rear angulation moved well.2nd Jackharys My Kind of Love R&W cobby, pleasing bitch with true bulldog sour expression and pleasing brick shaped well wrinkled skull, having well set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, full nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of wide jaw, chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled feet tight feet, ribs well sprung, a little long cast otherwise good topline with well set free tail and well angulated rear quarters, moved OK.3rd.Ragmarte Kahu Of Ruakuri.Cl 13.YB 1st Ricatori Dash of Class. R/W Lovely , typy cobby , quality bitch, with cracking brick shaped long skull I admire having well set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, well cushioned, full nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of wide jaw, chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled tight feet, nicely arched strong neck .ribs well sprung, good brisket ,good tuck up ,pleasing topline with well set free tail, strong rear quarters with good angulation moved well, one that should make up.2nd Bishopspark Smartiebaby at Ranfire.F/W having skull with well placed rosed ears, well spaced good dark eyes ,good pigmentation ,full nose roll, moderate turn up of underjaw tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, enough straight bone to strong pasterns and tight well knuckled feet, short strong neck ,well sprung ribs, deep brisket, pleasing topline, tail a little tight enough rear angulation moved ok.3rd Tinkabulls Who’s Laughing Now.CL.14 NB(3.1)Erimusbulls Ms Greta Garbo.R/W 15 month old with good length of flat, well wrinkled skull, having well set rosed ears dark eyes set wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, fine nose roll, good pigmentation ,wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of jaw, wide deep chest, good sloping shoulders, well placed elbows, good straight bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet, well arched short thick neck, huge barrel rib with deep brisket ,a tad shorter would be ideal otherwise pleasing topline and although well set a freer tail is desirable good rear quarters with good angulation moved well and fully deserved her placing. CL15.PGB(11.1) strong class .1stShiloh Disco Dancer Kismond JW Br/W Pleasing female, having large long brick skull , well set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, well cushioned, full nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of jaw, chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled tight feet, nicely arched strong neck .ribs well sprung, good brisket ,good tuck up ,pleasing topline with well set desired free tail, good rear quarters with good angulation moved well should have a great future 2nd Joyjans Surprise Packet F/W and indeed a very pleasing surprise packet she was and one I would take home. Lovely , typy quality bitch, with cracking brick shaped skull having well set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart with frontal bones visible, well cushioned, full nose roll, good pigmentation, open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of underjaw, chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows, great straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled tight feet, nicely arched strong neck .ribs well sprung, good brisket ,good tuck up ,pleasing topline with well set free tail, good rear quarters with good angulation moved well, was a little timid as not previously shown hence her award but with training she should have a great show career.3rd Britishpride Hermes .LB.Another very strong class 1st Meljane Juliette Binoche Mystyle R/W cobby female having a nice skull with low set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, full nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of jaw, chest well let down between forelegs, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows providing the desired square between the forelegs with the shoulders forming the arch above ,good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled feet, nicely arched strong neck .ribs well sprung, good brisket ,good tuck up ,pleasing topline with well set free tail, good rear quarters with good angulation moved well.2nd Mystyle Meme Milasha. Pleasing female, having large long brick skull with well set rosed ears, dark eyes, wide apart showing no white when looking forward with frontal bones visible, well cushioned, full nose roll, good pigmentation, wide open nostrils, pleasing upsweep of jaw, more depth of chest would improve, good tacked on shoulders, well placed elbows ,good straight bone to strong pasterns, well knuckled feet, nicely arched strong neck .ribs well sprung, good brisket ,good tuck up ,pleasing topline, free tail, good rear quarters with good angulation moved well 3rd Brarabus Harvest Gold.OB.. 1st Ch.IN Ch.Edstrong Diamond JubileJr.Ch.Br/W standard, cobby female, I wish was mine, with a balanced pear shaped body excelling in head characteristics epitomising what a very good large brick shaped skull looks like, should be admired and used as a template by serious breeders and used as an example for up and coming judges. She has a good deep chest, well let down between her forelegs, well placed elbows with strong straight bone to good strong pasterns and tight well knuckled feet providing the desired picture in my mind of a very desirable front, medium strong neck, barrel ribbed with deep brisket ,broad short back with a free tail and strong well angulated rear quarters .To achieve perfection topline would need more of a roach and lower set of tail. Moved well. No hesitation in awarding her BCC and BIS. 2nd Buck and Sons Hot Chocolate.R/W Another standard, cobby female having a pear shaped body and a super brick shaped skull ,similar to first, possessing all the desired characteristics just not as large all round, with enough depth of chest ,well muscled tacked on shoulders ,enough bone to strong pasterns with well knuckled feet, strong, medium sized neck, barrel rib ,short broad strong back, pleasing topline that more of a roach would improve, well set free tail. good strong well angulated rear quarters moved well RCC. 3rd Perfectly Polished for Jackarhys. Another pleasing quality bitch that pressed hard for 2nd place, just unfortunate to have met the first two today. Her day should come soon.VB (2.1)1st Shantallah Morning Light .One I have judged before and she does not age at all Standard Bitch with .who moved well and although stood alone fully merited her placing and awarded Best Veteran