I thank the committee of the Bulldog Club of Scotland for inviting me to Judge their Championship Show on the 5th October 2013 and for the hospitality provided to my wife and I , also to my stewards (how often does a club provide Championship Show Judges as stewards?) for their sterling work on the day, not forgetting the exhibitors many of whom had travelled many many miles to get to the show entered 100 dogs with 107 entries and who accepted my decisions in a sporting manner, there were 25 absentees... Although much has been done to improve the health and bodily characteristics of our breed we seem to have forgotten that the head is also very important. Some of the youngsters had very narrow forefaces lacking filling under the eyes and several exhibits in many classes possessed round heads and not the brick shaped head with good length of skull which defines the breed, lighter eyes are becoming more noticeable and although may be forgiven momentarily according to degree it is important these are bred out and last but not least too many had narrow nostrils. Bulldogs need to be walked on firm ground preferably concrete or tarmac and this will benefit feet, several were presented with long nails and toes beginning to splay.
Class 1.Veteran Dog or Bitch 2(1) 1st Shantallah Morning Delight. R&W 8yr old Standard Bitch with pleasing head and body properties who moved well and although stood alone fully merited her placing and awarded Best Veteran. Class 2 MPD 5(1)1st Joelee Davie Cooper. Chunky R&W clean dark eyes filled under. Open nostrils. well placed neat rose ears, sufficient tack of shoulder ,straight bone to tidy feet, enough neck, good brisket, barrel rib pleasing topline and tuck-up moved well should mature nicely.2nd Taybull Doc Martin of Belushi. R&W not seemed as mature or having ring presence of first but with similar pleasing head and body properties. Ring training and maturity should bring better ring presence .3rd Taybull Pyjamarama. Class 3 Puppy Dog 1st & Sealaville He’s Tyler.Lovely R&W chunky male with pleasing large head having dark well placed eyes ,wide open nostrils ,good front for a puppy, nice tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, Deep brisket ,barrel rib pleasing topline, well set free tail correct turn of stifle well let down hocks moved and handled well stood out in class BEST PUPPY .2nd Suttonweaver Jack the Lad.R&W male with well broken up skull dark eyes, well set nice rose ears great pigment good turn of under jaw, pleasing front , a little down in pasterns which would improve with walking on hard surfaces, good barrel rib, pleasing topline and tuck up moved ok needs more show training. 3rd Salkysbully Dodgy Dave. Class 4 JD 9(3)1st Britishrose He who Dares .Mostly white chunky very well balanced dog who typifies what one looks for in a good bulldog . Typical large brick shaped head with good length of skull, correctly placed dark eyes ,showing little white, well cushioned, nicely set rose ears could be a little finer, wide open nostrils, lovely sweep and width of underjaw almost as wide as he is between his ears, good layback ,pleasing depth of muzzle sadly lacking in too many today, a finer nose roll would make it almost perfection; Pleasing front with good depth of chest ,well tacked on shoulders, straight bone with good strong pasterns down to tight feet. Nicely arched neck, strong broad back with nice topline held while on the move. barrel rib ,good brisket, well tucked up, well set free straight tail of correct length, strong well built hindquarters ,hocks well let down. Moved and handled well , met strong competition today but was pleased to award him the CC (his third) and BOB. 2nd Mystyle Teddy Boy standard white male with different skull shape than first having nicely set rosed ears, well placed dark eyes ,fine nose roll ,open nostrils, good sweep of underjaw, good front to tidy feet, nicely tacked on shoulders, good rib, pleasing topline also held on the move with well set tail, good hindquarters, moved well by a handler who knows how to get the best from his dogs. 3rd Jackarhys Morpheus.Class 5 YD 1st Sealaville He’s Boswell Standard F&W with large well furnished skull ,having nice set of rose ears ,well placed dark eyes, open nostrils, good sweep of underjaw, deep chest ,pleasing front, good bone .to well knuckled feet. Nicely arched neck, good rib ,nice tuck up, would prefer tail to be lower set but strong hindquarters and moved ok.2ndMilash Boris at Erimusbulls. Standard balanced W with R with nice brick shaped skull well set rose ears ,well placed dark eyes ,open nostrils, nice layback, wide upswept underjaw, good front with well tacked on shoulders straight bone down to untidy feet with long nails, enough neck, good spring of rib,broad short back , pleasing topline ,good tuck up ,good hindquarters,tail not his fortune ,moved well.3rd.Cholto Alejandro. Class 6 Novice Dog.3 1st Jackarhys Morpheus.Standard R&W with pleasing well furnished brick shaped skull having the desired length ,well set fine ears, widely spaced dark eyes, well cushioned, good nose roll, open nostrils, pleasing upturn of underjaw, good deep chest ,well tacked on shoulders, good bone down to well knuckled feet having long nails .well arched neck, capacious brisket, well sprung ribs, strong broad back, free tail could be set a little lower 2nd Myeisha Andromeda Standard dark R with W pleasing skull ,well set fine ears ,dark eyes placed wide apart ,a little bloodshot today, good layback, open nostrils, nice turn of underjaw. good front to tidy feet, enough neck, deep brisket, well ribbed, broad short back. nice tuck up, straight free tail . would prefer a little more angulation to hindquarters, moved ok.3rd Highbend Tahiton Sunset Kismond. Class 7 PGD 3(1)1st Coatesmar Crusader. R&W who has matured well with large long skull ,well set fine rose ears, good dark eye, open nostrils, good front, good turn and width of underjaw, well tacked on shoulders, straight bone to tidy feet, good spring of rib ,pleasing topline held on the move, good tuck up, sturdy hindquarters with well let down hocks. pear shaped body free tail moved well.2nd Taybull Stranded, R&W standard baby giving way too much away in this class ,but with pleasing skull having fine ears that will settle in time. Good dark eye, set wide apart, good layback, nice upturn of underjaw .well tacked on shoulders, enough bone but pasterns need to strengthen, nails a little long, nice arch of neck, good spring of rib,s hort back having pleasing topline, good tuck up, moved ok. Class 8 Limit Dog.6(1)1st Senidan Blanco Pablo W& R patches Has matured well, Another with the desired lovely large brick shaped head having good length ,well furnished and broken up, nicely set rose ears , eyes wide apart ,well cushioned, good layback .pleasing depth of muzzle, great turn and width of underjaw, open nostrils ,a finer nose roll would be preferred, nice square front, good tacked on shoulders ,straight bone ,strong pasterns to well knuckled feet. nails too long. nicely arched neck, good barrel rib, pleasing top line ,could be shorter in body, free straight tail strong rear hindquarters moved and handled well.2nd.Iceglint I’m Shermand Standard well balanced R& W with well furnished skull ,nicely set fine rose ears, dark eyes wide apart. open nostrils ,good upturned jaw, square front ,straight good bone. slightly down in pasterns, nails could be shorter, nice arch of neck, good brisket, barrel rib, good strong hindquarters ,good clear tail set a little high, moved and handled well. Class 9 OD13(6 )Strongest overall class of the day and the best overall open male class I have seen for some time with some dogs who could easily have changed places 1st.Ch Meljane Bulldogs King William one I have judged abroad recently and awarded top honours. Quality bulldog and deserving C hampion with large head having well set fine ears, widely spaced eyes, open nostrils, good upturn of underjaw, good front, tacked on shoulders, straight bone to tidy well knuckled tight feet, nicely arched strong neck, good barrel rib, short broad back ,topline could be more defined with tail set a little lower, strong hindquarters with well let down hocks, moved and handled beautifully.RCC 2nd.Am Ch Babby’s Wanna be Strartin Somethin of Surfcity.Impressive W& R with large pleasing well furnished broken up head, nicely set fine rose ears, widely spaced dark eyes, nice cushion, good open nostrils ,good layback, wide well turned underjaw ,good front with powerful tacked on shoulders good straight bone, strong pasterns, unfortunately his feet are not his fortune, barrel ribbed, good tuck up, strong rear hindquarters moved and handled well.3rd.Bulky Bull Thor.Class 10 MPB 7(1)1st Rumbulltums Belles Delight Br & W still very much a baby, nice skull, rosed ears still a little flighty but should settle, well spaced dark eyes, good front, well tacked on shoulders ,straight bones, nails too long with toes beginning to splay, well ribbed ,good tuck up .pleasing topline, good set and free tail. moved ok.2nd Princess of the Valley.W & R very much a baby with pleasing skull properties, tacked on shoulders with square front when stacked properly, pasterns could be strengthened, good barrel rib ,short body, pleasing topline, tail a little tight.Good hindquarters Moved ok more show training badly needed. 3rd.Taybull Siren .Class 11.PB 1st Britishpride Muccia Prada F&W standard with large head well broken up long skull, nicely set fine rosed ears ,well spaced dark eyes, good open nostrils with wide underjaw, good deep chest ,tacked on shoulders will firm up ,good front with straight bone, would prefer shorter nails, nice arch of neck, good barrel rib, good tuck up,pleasing topline, tail ok good hindquarters, moved ok.2nd. Valleybulls Cameron Diaz at Cherishabulls Br & W standard with pleasing head .good length of skull. Well set fine rose ears .widely spaced eyes, tearstain detracted and cost higher placing, open nostrils good layback wide upturned underjaw, good square front with tacked on shoulders .straight bone, strong pasterns, tidy feet, would prefer shorter nails, nicely arched neck, barrel rib. Deep brisket. well tucked up and pleasing topline. nice set of tail, good hindquarters moved well. has good future prospects.3rd Kismond Honolulu Sunset.Class 12 J B. 1st Rosie Tee Kerkade R& W standard nice brick shaped well broken up skull having well set fine rose ears, widely spaced dark eyes, nice open nostrils, good layback well turned wide underjaw, square front with well tacked on shoulders, good bone to feet with long nails and toes beginning to splay which if unattended will blight her future prospects.well arched strong neck ,good barrel rib, nice tuck up, pleasing top line,strong hindquarters moved and handled well.2nd Neptunebull Olympic Dream R&W with pleasing large well broken up long skull, well set fine rose ears ,well spaced dark eyes, open nostrils, good layback, wide upswept underjaw,square front ,tacked on shoulders straight bone to feet with nails too long spoiling overall picture and jeopardizing future prospects. Well arched neck ,barrel rib ,pear shaped body god set of tail,strong hindquarters moved ok.3rd.Sugaqr Ice at Empirebulls.Class 13 2(1) Cholto Equinox.BR&W with pleasing large head ,long well broken up skull ,nicely set ears,well spaced dark eyes. Well cushioned , tearstain detracterd a little,open nostrils, good sweep and width of underjaw, square front with well tacked on shoulders enough straight bone strong pasterns to well knuckled feet whose nails are too long.well arched strong neck, capacious brisket,good barrel rib, good tuck up ,pleasing topline with good tail set,sturdy hindquarters moved well and although stood alone deserved first place.Class 14 NB 1st Rosie Tee Kerkade 2nd Britishpride Leading Lady R&W large well broken up long skull with nicely set ears widely spaced eyes good cushion wide open nostrils good width and upsweep. Square front. deep chest good straight bone strong pasterns to tidy feet, strong well arched neck ,capacious brisket, sprung barrel rib,pleasing topline, strong hindquarters moved ok. has great prospects.3rd Myeisha Hydra.Class 15.PGB 1st Izzy Heirs Apparent impressive R&W with pleasing brick shaped head having nicely set fine rose ears,well spaced dark eyes ,well cushioned ,good layback ,good open nostrils, good sweep and width of underjaw, good front with well tacked on shoulders straight bone to tidy feet, well ribbed, a little long cast .tail could be a little more free, strong hindquarters, moved and showed well.2nd Cherishabull Touch of Class. W impressive bitch standing with pleasing well broken up long skull.corresct set of fine rose ears.well spaced dark eyes well cushioned,wide open nostrils,well turned wide underjaw,good square front with well tacked on shoulders good straight bone to tidy feet,strong neck barrel rib, good tuck up ,pear shaped balanced body,good rear hindquarters appeared uncomfortable on the move today has bright prospects.3rd Neptunebull Skyes the |Limit.Class 16.LB.6(3) 1st.Dannoble Synchronised R&W with brick shaped long well broken up skull ,well set rose ears ,dark eyes wide apart well cushioned open nostrils,wide upsweep of underjaw,tacked on shoulder enough bone, pasterns could be firmer probably caused through nails being too long.well arched neck ,barrel rib ,good set of tail,sturdy hindquarters moved well.2nd Rascals Little Bossy Boots at Goodbull R&W very similar to first and could easily have changed places.Having pleasing brick shaped well broken up well furnished skull,good set of rose ears.dark eyes wide apart,open nostrils good sweep and width of underjaw,square frint with tacked on shoulders straight bone to feet with nails that could be shorter,strong well arched neck pear shaped body.sturdy hindquarters moved well.3rd Lazy Face Spot my Dot.Class 17.OB 9(2)Very strong class and again several could change places.1st Ch Laroyals Best kept Secret.Well balanced feminine standard R&W bitch with super brick shaped head,long well broken up skull, great expression with well set rose ears ,eyes wide apart well cushioned, open nostrils , good layback ,wide upturned underjaw muzzle deep,, deep chest good square front with good bone to strong pasterns and well knuckled feet ,nicely arched strong neck ,strong broad short back well ribbed with good tuck up and very pleasing topline maintained on the move,well set free good tail. Sturdy hindquarters if a little finer would be even more pleasing. Moved ok well deserved Champion CC RBIS .2nd Ch Ocobo Emily’s Choice Saint Rosemil another standard balanced R&W skull well broken up ,well set rose ears with good width between,well placed dark eyes open nostrils good turn of underjaw, square front with tacked on shoulders,good straight bone to tidy feet,strong arched neck