I wish to thank the committee of the Bulldog Club of Wales for having invited me to judge their show and going all out to make it an enjoyable event and for their lovely thoughtful gift ,also to my stewards who organised a smooth transition from class to class. Also I thank the exhibitors who travelled from all over the UK Italy and Spain on one of the coldest mornings this winter to participate with 102 dogs of the 138 that had entered and with the exception of one individual , appeared to accept the results in a sporting manner but although this habitually vexatious exhibitor expressed his frustration in and around the ring in an attempt to influence my judging he failed to do so, as I am too long in the tooth to react to such tactics however it did later provoke an altercation outside the ring with a fellow exhibitor which caused me to suspend judging for a short time and this unacceptable behaviour by disgruntled exhibitors must be nipped in the bud. as it not only intimidates novices (and possibly future judges) but could cause the loss of hard to get venues by bringing dog shows into disrepute and at the end of the day ours is supposed to be an enjoyable sport. . I found a few unsound mouths, wet eyes, heavy tearstain , extremely tight tails or no tails and several with straight hocks with some timidity creeping into the breed who all paid the price in such quality company.
Class 1 Veteran Dog or Bitch 6/1 all 5 very fit and a credit to their owners 1st Glyndee Scarlet Ribbon Red and White cobby standard 8 year old bitch with super head and body properties moved and showed well . 2nd Theoben Toffee Plum at Albertwood SH.C.M. Another lovely white pied 10 year old veteran a little heavier set than first but also with super head and body properties who also moved well. 3rd Edstrong Trevan R.Orphious Moanna Lisa VHC Merrettbull Magical Mist Class 2 M P D 10/2 Rhobulls Roberto. Impressive red and white upstanding alert pup full of ring presence. Lovely brick shaped flat finely wrinkled head with correctly set rose ears well away from widely set dark eyes ,well filled under ,clean face pleasing nose roll ,good nostrils, good layback ,nice sweep of under jaw, good bone to tight feet nice brisket, good neck ,well sprung ribcage, wheel back, free tail, moved ok does need to mature but not grow any more. BEST PUPPY 2nd Britishpride Diesel. Red and white quality pup with super long flat skull typical of this kennel having correctly placed ears well away from dark eyes widely spaced and well filled under, clean face with good nose roll ,good nostrils ,good layback, nicely turned jaw good front with tacked on shoulders and good straight bone to tidy feet, pleasing arch of neck, well sprung rib, pleasing top line well set free tail not had ring presence of first , ring training should improve.3rd Coatesmar Crusader.R.Cathjabull Viking Spirit.VHC .Brampton Mr Beckham..Class 3 P D 6/1.1st Bagibelli Bugsy Malone F&W Super classic head with long flat well wrinkled skull ,nice rose ears far away from well spaced dark eyes. well filled under, good nose roll ,good nostrils good layback and nice turn of under jaw, deep brisket, nicely tacked on shoulders., good straight bone to tidy feet, well sprung rib slightly long cast free tail moved well.2nd Coatesmar British Steel Red and white standard pup ,well broken up skull ,well placed rose ears, good dark eyes showing a little white, well ears,skull well wrinkled ,good nostrils good layback,nice upsweep pleasing front with good straight bone to tidy feet.Enough spring of rib.free tail.moved ok 3rd Jaqles James for Shipshape. R.Infallibulls Noble Knight .VHC Aramus Assassins Creed Class 4 J D 8 1st Isgraig the Squire Sealaville. Fawn and white standard dog I have judged at a puppy competition who pleased me then and he did now. Pleasing , flat, long ,nicely wrinkled skull with correctly set rosed ears well away from dark eyes showing no white, well filled under ,nice cushion ,good layback, good turn up. nicely tacked on shoulders, good straight bone to tidy feet. Nice arch of neck, well sprung ribs, good top line and tuck up free tail well angulated rear end. with a nice set of tail. Moved well but needs to build more ring presence if he is to achieve glory.2nd Haddaway Look at me. Red and white another quality male with impressive brick shaped head, correct rose ears well set with good length to dark widely spaced eyes showing a little haw, clean face good open nostrils, good layback, good sweep of under jaw. Good strong front having tacked on shoulders with straight well boned legs to tidy feet. Nicely arched neck, nice spring of rib, good brisket ,nice tuck up and top line with good rear angulations and free straight tail .moved well slightly bigger than my first.3rd Queensrose Jack of Diamonds R Flash Zack Kismond. VHC The Miz. Class 5 MD 1 withdrawn Class 6 N D The Miz Standard white and red pied with pleasing long skull ,nice front, having good straight bone to tidy feet, a little down in pastern which may be rectified with walks on hard surfaces, Nice arch of neck, good spring of ring top line affected by high set tail ,moved ok. Need a little more of him all round. Class 7 PG D.15/4 What a pleasantly strong class 1st Tryfan Copper Dream Impressive Red and White 2 year old male who filled my eye and who embodies the standards description of "Conveys impression of determination, strength and activity. Alert, bold, loyal, dependable, courageous, fierce in appearance, but possessed of affectionate nature" with classic head properties long finely wrinkled skull with correct set of ears , nice dark eyes just showing a little white ,clean face ,fine nose roll ,good open nostrils good layback, enough width of under jaw with good upsweep nicely tacked on shoulders good front well boned to tidy feet ,nicely arched neck, strong wide short back ,great spring of rib , good tuck up, pleasing top line with well set free tail ,good rear angulations moved well and asked for the CC.RBOB. 2nd Jaqles Rafa another quality male Fawn smut and white with classic long well broken up skull ,with correctly placed rose ears, good dark eyes, well filled under ,and well defined stop, good layback clean face ,wide open nostrils, moderate sweep of under jaw, nicely tacked on shoulders with good bone to feet .nice arch of neck pleasing top line with free good tail moved ok.3rd Outdoors Parker of Karbecabull. R Pearcroft Double Diamond.VHC Cathjabull Cooperville.Class 8 L D.7/3 1st Saintgeorges Flash Harry of Bandapart .One that I judged as a puppy and who has kept his promise. Cobby standard weight very balanced r&w dog that lives up to his name with pleasing flat broad long skull ,well set rose ears, dark eye well filled under, clean face, wide open nostrils, good layback wide true under jaw, good upsweep, good front with tacked on shoulders ,enough bone to tidy feet, short wide back ,nice spring of rib pear shaped body ,pleasing top line well set good tail good rear angulations. initially stiff in shoulder when asked to move but loosened when asked to move twice again and moved very well when asked to move twice more in the challenge so was pleased to award him the RCC .2.nd Second and third in this class could easily have changed places.. Nobozz Hell Boy One I had admired from the ringside, R&W Cobby male slightly heavier than first having large wrinkled skull well set rosed ears dark eyes ,full nose roll, face unfortunately heavily tearstained which spoils expression ,good open nostrils, widest of under jaws with good upsweep, good brisket .heavy bone to feet, preferred elbow placement of first, good arch of neck ,strong wide short back, well ribbed with nice tuck up ,sloping top line with highly set but free tail, preferred hocks of first.. 3rd Laroyal Luther King J.W. SH.CM.R.Prideofbully Sir Charles. Class 8 O D 12/3 With several strong contenders for high honours 1st Sealaville He's Ashley F/W standard dog I have always admired from the ringside and he did not disappoint being a strong contender for high honours well wrinkled skull with correctly placed rose ears with good length from ear to well spaced dark eyes good stop with single roll clean face ,good turn up of under jaw nicely tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to tidy feet. short arched neck, well ribbed .broad strong short back, good tuck up ,free tail would have preferred a little lower set good rear angulations .in hard well muscled condition ,a pleasure to go over moved well.2nd Jaqles Bailey One I have judged before R&W dog oozing masculinity with Classic long flat skull, small rose ears well set, well broken up wrinkle, dark eyes wide apart, well filled under, large open nostrils, good stop, good layback ,clean face, fine nose roll, good front with nice bone to tidy feet, well arched strong neck, pear shaped body ,good rear angulations , as usual in hard condition with pleasing top line maintained while moving freely with ease.3rd Ch Somway Lordswood Cocker .J.W R.Ocobo Big Yin Pheorm VHC .Bullwick's Iron Duke. Class 10.MPB 13/2 Lovely class .Rhobulls Reemer R&W alert, happy ,eye catching, well put together baby in a very strong minor puppy class. Pleasing long brick skull with well placed rose ears, good dark eye showing a little haw, full nose roll, good open nostrils ,nice turn of under jaw, good layback clean face, pleasing front with enough straight bone to tidy feet. nice arch of neck, Pleasing top line well set free tail moved well.2nd Bollglade Me Me another quality baby overall, slightly heavier than first ,large finely wrinkled skull with well set rose ears. dark widely spaced eyes, full nose roll ,clean face, good nostrils, wide well turned under jaw, pleasing front with tacked on shoulders good straight bone to feet, deep chest, nice arch of neck, well ribbed with good brisket, pleasing top line with free tail, good tuck up ,moved well.3rd Ricatori Florence Baby.R Britishus Guilietta VHC Sebyan Sinfizz Class 10.PB 13/4 Another strong class 1st Bullfleet Beauty Queen .Lovely R&W impressive baby with classic brick shaped long flat finely wrinkled skull having well set rose ears ,good dark eye clean face, full nose roll, good nostrils ,nice layback ,good upturn of wide under jaw ,nicely tacked on shoulders, good bone to strong pasterns. nice arch of neck, well ribbed, deep brisket, good top line ,nice tuck up good rear angulations ,free tail. moved well Best BP 2nd Unidax Chlobert's Girl with Bagibelli Another quality bitch with classic head having long skull finely wrinkled well set rose ears good dark eyes good stop and furrow ,full nose roll, clean face good nostrils nice upsweep well tacked on shoulders with enough bone to pasterns which could be strengthened ,very pleasing top line good brisket with nice tuck up free tail and pleasing hindquarters moved well .3rd Triarder She is the dream R Hillplace Temptation at Quilatera VHC Myeisha Lady Juliet Class 11.JB 1st Belle Beauty Bulldurham J.W. Lovely white standard bitch with good brick shaped finely wrinkled skull, well set rose ears ,good dark eyes set wide apart ,fine nose roll, clean face ,.good nostrils, nice turn of wide under jaw. good layback deep chest good font well tacked on shoulders straight bone to tidy feet, short but well arched neck, pleasing top line well ribbed, deep brisket, free tail moved well needs to fine down a little but asked for the RCC. 2nd Nobozz Red October at Timberoakes Impressive R&W bitch with super long classic skull, well set rose ears placed far from dark widely set eyes, full nose roll good nostrils, good turn of under jaw, nicely tacked on shoulder ,good bone to rather flat feet which may improve if walked on hard surfaces,nice arch of neck ,pleasing top line good tail moved ok.3rd Bestbulldog Girona Somais (ATC AM 00942 ESP) R Maxibulz Willow The Wisp.VHC Queensrose Queen of Hearts. Class 13.MB 1/1. Class 14 NB 3 1st Best Bulldog Girona J'Adore Br/W Large Head with good set of rose ears ,Dark eyes well spaced,Full nose roll, face a little tearstained, good upsweep of under jaw, legs well boned shoulders a little tight, short neck, deep brisket, well ribbed good top line good rear angulations. moved ok.2nd Cute Country Princess at Netbull. R/w lovely standard bitch with super classic head with long wrinkled brick shaped skull, neat rose well placed ears, dark eyes wide apart, full nose roll .clean face, good turn of under jawwell tacked on shoulders giving pleasing front with straight bone to tidy feet, short thick neck, barrel rib, pleasing top line spoilt by lack of tail, moved well. 3rd Merrettbull Living Dream.Class 15 PGB 12/2 1st Trelyn Rose standard white pied with good long skull ,well set rose ears to dark well spaced eyes, good pigmentation , clean face ,fine split nose roll ,wide open nostrils, good turn of under jaw, good tacked on shoulder with good straight bone to strong pasterns ,feet could be improved ,enough barrel of rib, good top line , free tail good rear angulations moved and showed well. 2nd Jaqles Britney R/W with super classic head ,well set rose ears ,with good length to dark eyes set wide apart fine nose roll, clean face ,wide open nostrils, good layback, good upsweep. tacked on shoulders with good straight bone, feet could be a little tighter, nice arch of neck, good barrel rib, deep brisket ,free tail and good rear angulations. moved ok. 3rd.Britishpride all about Eve, R Mollrue's Cristal Dolly. VHC Laroyal Expression of Wish at Englishskye. Class 16 LB. 10/4 1st Taybull For Your Pleasure J.W..Lovely R/w and again a beautiful classic head with long flat finely wrinkled skull, with correctly placed fine ears well away from dark eyes within the contour of the cheeks, good stop with full nose roll, clean face, good depth of chest ,nicely tacked on shoulders with strong straight bone to feet. short thick neck ,good barrel rib, deep brisket, nice top line with free tail. 2nd Quintic Doris at Kismond JW I have judged before w pied that has matured well ,Super brick shaped head, with dark eyes wide apart and well filled under ,correctly set rose ears ,good nostrils, good upsweep firmly tacked on shoulders, good bone to tidy feet, good length and arch of neck nice body shape good tail, moved well handled beautifully will change places with first on another day.3rd Ivabully Indecent Proposal .R. Senidan Golden Prospect. VHC Laroyal Dirty Dancer of Britishus.Class 17 OB 13/2 1st Haddaway Charmed. BR/W Super bitch that I have admired from the ringside and she did not disappoint. Beautiful classic long brick shaped skull with correctly set rose ears well away from dark eyes set wide apart, full nose roll, clean face ,good sweep of wide under jaw, Nicely tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet. slightly deeper chest would be picture perfect, well arched good thick neck, nice barrel rib, good top line with free tail, good rear angulations moved well asked for the CC and BOB.2 ndCelticpride Dior at Croftthorn another super F/W bitch pressed very hard for RCC Lovely long skull with well placed rose ears ,eyes wide aprt,clean face ,full roll,good nostrils,good turn and width of underjaw,good front with nicely tacked on shoulder ,straight bone to tidy feet,good arch of neck,barrel rib .pleasing top line nice set of tail moved ok sure to get her title soon. 3rdBritishpride Biba,R.Sealaville She’s Roxanne at Isgraig,VHC Cathjabull Mrs Weasley.