, To all the exhibitors who travelled with their dogs to Dortmund , please accept my thanks for allowing me to judge them, it was a great pleasure. I know some exhibitors travelled long distances and so may have wished to have received higher honours but the competition was very fierce indeed and there were classes where I would have given more first prizes to each dog I placed if possible .It is important to remember that all Kennel Clubs and FCI are placing huge emphasis on health. This means that they want to see dogs preferably with mouths closed able to move easily around the ring and that is what all exhibitors must concentrate to improve upon for the future benefit of the breed and for its success in the big ring. Most bulldogs are family pets, but that does not mean they must not be kept in peak fitness condition ,well muscled up with no fat ,firm tacked on shoulders ,nice tuck up with tidy tight feet and short nails only obtained by walking them on tarmac/asphalt daily. I took care to be brief but detailed in all my critiques so please read them carefully. Once again thank you for exhibiting under me.