i Thank the committee of the South of England Bulldog Club for inviting me to Judge their Championship show on the 19.9.2010 and together with my wife also thank them for their excellent hospitality and super gifts. My stewards were professional and indefatigable and I had a great day judging a large entry of 175 from 169 DOGS. Judging started at 10.00am prompt ended at 5.00pm with half hour break for lunch. I thank all the exhibitors, some of whom had travelled very far, not only for entering their dogs but also for generally accepting my placing so gracefully. I must say that the entry in general but especially so in the Limit and Open Bitch classes. were of the very highest quality and very difficult to judge as I was spoilt for choice and many an exhibit to whom I would gladly have given an award had to go card-less which augurs well for the breed’s future. I will never forget that when I was being taught to judge the breed in the 70’s, how my mentors kept drumming into me the old judging adage “To their virtues be kind and their faults a little blind” . Perfection is impossible to find but thankfully today’s exhibits generally displayed such overall quality in conformation, health and vigour that faults , in an otherwise fine specimen, like slits for nostrils, faulty mouths, light eyes, heavy wrinkle, lack of neck, tight or extremely bowed fronts ,over loose shoulders, hare /flat feet, inter digital cysts, straight top lines, very short backs with high set tails, extremely tight tails ,inverted tails or lack of tail, any sign of lameness or poor movement, timidity or aggression, excessive panting and obesity, should, in my opinion, bar any exhibit from being awarded top honours when in such good company and to ensure the continued healthy improvement in our breed, all judges, at all levels ,who truly have the interests of the breed at heart, should be duty bound to judge our breed accordingly. I also like to see evidently Masculine males and Feminine females. Class 1. Veteran Dog or Bitch.(4) All a credit to their owners 1st Martin’s .Calibra Uptown Girl. 8 in November .Standard br.& w Healthy active feminine specimen with desirable head properties having long skull ,dark eye ,fine ears, good nostrils. wide well turned up under-jaw, moderate neck .tacked on shoulders, good bone to tidy feet nice pear shaped body. moved well . 2nd Fridlington’s Theoben Toffee Plum at Albertwood. SHCM. Striking r&w 9 last July Stocky active healthy masculine specimen with impressive skull properties with good front ,straight good bone to tidy feet, slightly longer cast than winner, moved well showed and handled impeccably 3RD. Edstrong Trevan Class 2.MPD (7) 1st Jones, Saintgeorges Flash Harry of Bandapart. Cobby standard r&w dog that lives up to his name with pleasing flat broad long skull ,well set rose ears, dark eye well filled under, good nostrils, wide true under jaw, good front with tacked on shoulders ,enough bone to tidy feet, pear shaped body ,well set good tail moved well. BPD 2nd. Davis’, Mystyle Aladdin Ocobo r&w Good head with well set rose ears, dark eye .Good front, nice bone to tidy feet ,pear shaped body with good top line maintained on the move, slightly longer cast than first ,handled beautifully as usual by his handler owner.3rd Goodwins’,Makeamemory Blaze of Glory Class 3.PD.(12) 1st .Pearce’s Sodbury Bull Coldplay. Striking very mature white dog with red eye patch. Super Skull. well set rose ears ,dark eyes wide apart well filled under, large nose, firm tacked on shoulders, Good straight bone to tidy feet, barrel rib, pear shaped body, pleasing rear angulation ,moved well ,hope he has now stopped growing.2nd . Haddaway Spirit, White standard dog with pleasing head, dark eye ,good nostrils, nice wide under jaw, good front ,tacked on shoulders need firming up, good bone to tidy feet nice body shape moved well.3rd. Davis’ Sebyan Wilson Ocobo. Class 4 JD (10) 1st. Edition of Luxe Kepi Blanc r&w Standard masculine impressive specimen. Wide square head still to fully mature with good dark eye, good nostrils, good upswept true jaw, low set rose ears, good front , straight good bone to tidy feet, nicely tacked on firm shoulders, nice arch of neck, good barrel rib ,pleasing top line which was not lost in movement, good well set tail, lovely mover considered for RCC. 2nd.Goodwins’ Britishpride Aromist ,Tidy cobby, standard red and white specimen .Different in type to first and much less mature , With good flat skull, well set rose ears, dark eye, good front with enough bone, compact body ,moved ok.3rd Bishoprick & Davis Ocobo Big Yin Pheorm Class 5.M.D.NO ENTRIES Class 6.Novice Dog (6) Lamont’s Laroyal Luther King .Another Beautiful Chunky r&w puppy full of substance, ,dark eyes wide apart ,well placed rose ears, nose roll does not interfere with line of layback wide under jaw, will have impressive head when finished growing, deep brisket, Good straight bone to tidy feet, barrel rib, pear shaped body, good rear angulation free tail moved ok unlucky to meet such tough competition in puppy class. 2nd. Pearce’s Sodburybull Bullimore. Another white very similar to his brother in the puppy class, similar Impressive terrific skull properties and overall general conformation, slightly down in pasterns ,slightly bigger dog than first in this class moved OK. First and second could change places on a given day 3rd. Morris’Mellowmood Man in the Mirror at Ragmarte. Class 7.PGD (19) 1st. Gee’s Jaminic Inquisition. whom I judged as a puppy and who has come on tremendously. Large head with ears a little low set ,eyes wide apart, large nose, wide upswept jaw ,firm tacked on shoulders ,good straight bone to tidy feet, pear shaped body moved ok.2nd.Hornby’s Annesabull Dark n Dashing. standard br&w dog with super classic pleasing head ,well set rose ears ,dark eyes wide apart, well filled under, good nostrils, wide upswept jaw, firm tacked on shoulders, good bone to tight feet one of which on the day had a visible cyst which however did not impair good movement, nice pear shaped body with pleasing top line. Hard to beat when in tip top condition. 3rd Fridlington’s Dancing Carrumba at Albertwood. Class 8.LD (17) 1st.Lunt’s Jaqles Bailey. A r&w dog oozing masculinity I have admired from the ringside and he did not disappoint with Classic long flat skull, small rose ears well set, well broken up wrinkle, dark eyes wide apart, well filled under, large open nostrils, good front with nice bone to tidy feet, well arched strong neck, pear shaped body ,good rear angulation ,in good hard condition with pleasing top line maintained while moving freely with ease. RCC. 2nd Harris’ Nobozz Riddick r&w standard young dog with a great future , correct impressive pleasing long skull yet to finish maturing, fine rose ears ,dark eyes wide apart and well filled under, ,good nostrils. wide jaw with pleasing upsweep Good brisket, firm tacked on shoulders ,good bone to tight feet, nice arch of neck, pleasing body in good condition, good rear angulation, moved easily maintaining shape. I see his sire was my ticket winner.3rd Roberts’ Malcoms Little Viking at Isgraig. Class 9,OD (11) Strong class with some strong males as it should be1st Gaskins Ch.Gemelia Jensen .r &w masculine heavyweight in good hard condition I have judged 3 years ago who has matured well fully deserving of his title. Pleasing brick shaped skull, with correctly placed rose ears, good broken up wrinkle, dark eyes wide apart well filled under, wide open nostrils. wide upsweep of underjaw, firm tacked on shoulders, good bone to tight feet, good arch of neck pleasing body shape, tail a little screwed but very free .Good rear angulation moved freely .CC.2nd Ch Jabberwocky’s Cloudless. W, Another masculine male with good skull well broken wrinkle ,correctly placed ears ,good upsweep of wide underjaw, deep brisket, good bone to tidy feet, good neck ,barrel rib, pleasing top line moved well. Very nice specimen and deserving Champion but evident tearstain on such a white dog cost him the RCC.3rd Garside’s Ch.Iceglint I’m Harry. Class10 MPB. (10).1st Dangerfield’s Hillplace Florence of &w beautiful baby full of life conformation type and condition who took my eye the moment she stepped in the ring. Classic correct shaped skull finely wrinkled with good length and desired layback, fine rose ears well set and still a little flighty but will settle as she gets older, dark eyes wide apart, good open nostrils, wide upswept underjaw, very pleasing front with firm tacked on shoulders, good depth of brisket, good bone to tight feet, barrel rib on pear shaped body, with beautiful classic textbook correct topline which was maintained while on the move, an excellent tail correctly set , very hard to find on too many specimens. Needs to mature adding a few more pounds otherwise pushed very hard for the RCC. Wished she were mine BPIS.2nd Martin’s I am Roxanne Calibra r&w standard b with good length of skull ,lovely dark eyes well spaced apart and well filled under, wide open nostrils, nice wide underjaw, good depth of brisket, nicely tacked on shoulders good bone to tidy feet, pear shaped body ,moved well unlucky to meet such an outstanding competitor in this class.3rd Murphy’s Laroyal Deadly Serious at Britishrose. Class 11.PB.(11)1st Dauphin-Simmons’ Senidan Golden Prospect.r&w standard bitch but what a beautiful head almost cloned from her famous sire. A little low to ground but balanced with Good front and bone to tidy feet. Good rib and good tail .Moved well unlucky to meet MPB for best puppy.”2nd Walker’s Laroyal Dirty Dancer for Britishus. w pied Lovely bitch with good head properties ,pleasing front with well tacked on shoulders good bone to tidy feet but allowed to point inwards by handler when challenging for first place, nice body shape moved well.3rd.Bush’Praetorian Perdita. Class 12 JB (14)Ives’Ivabully Indecent Proposal r&w standard with super head properties ,deep brisket,firm tacked on shoulders,good bone to tidy feet with good raised knuckles good body shape with pleasing top line with correct set of tail. Moved well.2nd Davies’ Quintic Doris at Kismond ,w pied that is improving with maturity ,Super brick shaped head, with dark eyes wide apart and well filled under ,good nostrils, firmly tacked on shoulders, good bone to tidy feet nice body shape good tail, moved well handled beautifully will change places with first on her day.3rd.Garsides’Iceglint I’m Millicent. Class 13 MB (2) Absent Class 14.NB (2) 1st Davies’ Quintic Doris at Kismond.2nd Collingwood’s Chiselwick Lady Leah. Standard r&w with super head properties but a little too heavily wrinkled for me, good front having firm tacked on shoulders good bone to tidy feet good body shape ,moved well. Class 15 PGB (17 with many absentees) 1st.Pearce’s Sodburybull Premonition .Standard fawn and white bitch with pleasing head finely wrinkled , good front and nice body shape moved well,2nd.Roberts’ Sealaville She’s Roxanne at Isgraig r&w compact bitch with lovely brick shaped finely wrinkled head with fine ears well set with a tendency to be flighty, good front ,when she allowed her handler to stack her, tacked on shoulders good bone to nice feet. nice body shape ,moved well.3rd.Bullpei Dori McKane JW Class 16 LB(17) What a pleasing strong class oozing quality.1st Lee’s Mellowmood One in a Million. Lovely r&w bitch I have admired from the ringside and she did not disappoint. Lovely brick shaped skull finely wrinkled with dark eyes wide apart and well filled under ,well set rose ears, good open nostrils nose roll does not interfere with line of layback, terrific upsweep of wide underjaw, Good front with deep brisket, firm tacked on shoulders, good bone to tidy feet with well raised knuckles, good barrel rib ,pear shaped body, pleasing top line with good set of tail, good rear, moved well, another I wished were mine asked for her crowning CC & BOB.2nd Williams’ Jaminic Bootylicious. Another most impressive r &w specimen with terrific pleasing skull which would put many a male to shame ,lovely front with firmly tacked on shoulders good bone to tidy feet ,deep brisket ,barrel rib good body shape moved well recovering from maternal duties.3rd Sealaville She’s Porcha. Class 17 OB(14)Another very strong quality class 1st Davis’ Ch.Hillbull Sheeza Sunbeam Mystyle r &w Standard with flat skull correctly placed rose ears, dark eye good nostrils, wide upswept jaw good front firmly tacked on shoulder good bone but what this bitch excels in, like my MPB winner, is correct body shape with textbook top line and with the proper low set tail which we need the breed to re acquire in numbers, moved well maintaining her top line ,a deserving Champion RCC,RBIS 2nd Taylor’s Ch Hillplace Iron Lady br &w another one of my favourite bulldogs, one that I have been privileged to judge and place highly before as she has all the attributes that a quality champion should have with good skull nice front, good bone ,to tidy feet ,deep brisket, great body shape, good tail and moved well ,deservedly one of our top Champion bitches.3rd.Jumano Jinn Fizz