Thank you to the officers and committee for inviting me to Judge this show. After I accepted the, invitation ,I decided that it would be the best venue to end my Bulldog judging career in the U.K, judging at this prestigious club who made such a fantastic effort to ensure that it would be a great finale for me proved to be the right decision. This was a good venue, the committee were the smartest I have come across, were very welcoming and hospitable and made it a happy experience for all involved .I also thank all the bulldoggers who entered their dogs on the day many of whom made long journeys not only from all over the UK in the most horrible weather but also from several European countries, also to those who came to watch the judging.. You brought many great dogs and several times throughout the day ,I wished there were more cards to hand out and in several classes decisions between placings were very marginal indeed .Thank you all for making it such a memorable occasion and thanks for the great judge’s gift I will wear with pride not forgetting the lovely flowers presented to Barbara, The discourse from Vicky Collins Nattrass and Lieza Handley were unexpected but greatly appreciated and was a very nice gesture made by this great club. I will also treasure the signed card with your good wishes.
I came into this breed in the mid 70’s and have been fascinated ,in the story of its creation and development .I have always admired the extremely well detailed, finalised version of the standard description as initially printed by the Bulldog Club Inc. which I would ask all judges of this breed to read in addition to the current extremely edited version .The Bulldog is a” Head Breed”, the dog had to have a large skull of good length to incorporate all the necessary furnishings that enabled it to accomplish its task and as long as such dogs complied they could do their work in good health. Length of skull is an attribute we are in danger of losing, the bree d must also project power and strength and these attributes should also be treasured. We, JUDGES AND BREEDERS , must ensure these attributes are maintained.
Class 1.Baby Puppy Dog 2 (1) 1st.Blenheimstar Great Spirits ,Red and white baby boy not yet accustomed to show ring well developed baby with broad skull having well placed rose ears, good distance to dark eyes showing little white, good open nostrils , pleasing upsweep[ of jaw, good depth of chest, square front having good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet ,nice arch of neck ,well ribbed short body with strong hindquarters ,free tail, moved well pleased to award him first even if he stood alone
Class 2 Baby Puppy Bitcn 6/0 strong pleasing class.
1st Blenheimstar on Fire st White with red patch on back , 6 month old well grown pleasing quality standard baby ,with wide flat skull and well placed rose ears ,dark eyes showing little white, good pigment, open nostrils ,pleasing sweep of jaw , with good tack of angled firm shoulder presenting a lovely bowed front, with good bone to strong pasterns and tight feet, good barrel rib ,good tuck up, strong hindquarters ,free tail, moved well .has bright future ahead; BEST BABY
2ND Suma Queen Victoria. R&W pleasing baby who will soon get used to the show ring. having good length of flat skull with well placed rose ears good dark eyes showing some white ,open nostrils good sweep of jaw, nice deep chest straight bone ,good rib and top line ,good hindquarters free tail, moved well.
Class 3 Veteran Dog or Bitch 8(5) Could have given them all a first
1st Blondello Charles Xavier JW white pied upstanding male I have always liked in the past when viewed from ringside So a pleasure to go over him today. now nearly 8 years old still has the great qualities of a flat broad and long skull with well placed rose ears with good distance to dark widely spaced eyes ,fine nose roll open nostrils, well cushioned foreface, good sweep of jaw ,pleasing depth of chest well angled tacked on firm shoulders providing the good front produced by the well boned legs to good pasterns and good feet .barrel rib with nice topline and strong hindquarters .BEST VETERAN
2nd Erimusbulls Cooper at Linmist another seven year old I have admired from the ringside and with very similar attributes as my first .If I could have had my way he would have shared first. R&W with god head properties of good length and breadth, with rose ears well set, far from dark eyes ,clean nose roll ,open nostrils good upswept wide jaw ,deep chest good bone to tidy feet .barrel rib deep brisket nice tuck up and top line strong rear quarters with free tail moved well
Class 4 Minor Puppy Dog 7(1) what a lovely hard class to judge which augurs well for the future. 1st kingrock Pocket Full of Gold lovely quality standard sized red and white puppy just 6 months old but well trained and full of ring presence.. having pleasing length of flat skull, dark eyes showing little white , well set rose ears open nostrils, pleasing sweep of jaw, well angled tacked on firm shoulders with pleasing bone to strong pasterns and tight feet, well arched neck, barrelled rib, short back, good top line, free well set tail , good rear quarters moved well. BEST PUPPY,
2ND Kikuchi Yogi Bear another lovely standard flashy red and white pup who could easily have changed places with my first ,having good length of skull ,well placed rose ears, dark eyes showing very little white, open nostrils pleasing under jaw ,deep chest tacked on firm shoulders, good bone to strong pasterns, tidy feet, nice arch of neck ,good rib and pleasing tu
ck up, good topline free tail strong rear quarters, moved wel
Class 5 PUPPY DOG 2(1)
1ST Elarhill Donatello at Hunthythorne Red and white standard size excited dog ,large well wrinkled head, rose ears dark eyes showing a little white, good underjaw and mouth,, nice depth of chest, tacked on firm shoulders, good bone to strong pasterns .tidy feet ,good barrel rin free tail. Pleasing rear quarters, moved well. pleased to award him first even if alone
Class 6 Junior Dog 6/0 What a strong class of young males!!
1st Haddaway The Boss for Tyneamite Impressive powerhouse of a red brindle young male in hard condition with stunning head properties having a long broad skill ,neatly furrowed with well placed rose ears well away from dark eyes ,wide apart, showing no white and well padded under, pleasing layback, neat, clean nose roll and well cushioned face finely wrinkled with large nose and open nostrils, terrific upsweep of wide under jaw, deep chest ,tacked on firm shoulders with great straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, good length of a strong arched neck, barrel ribbed ,good brisket, fine tuck up, broad strong back, having pear shaped body with good free well set straight tail and strong hindquarters,’ moved like he owned the place. Very pleased to award him his first CC & BOB
2ND Fat Puppys Top Racer Lovely typey, quality, white and red standard sized male unfortunate to meet my BOB in this class and who is destined to do very well in the future .Another with a good skull broad and long with well set rose ears, dark etes showing no white,, clean, fine nose roll, large nose with open nostrils,,good sweep of jaw.pleasing front with good depth of chest, tacked on firm shoulders , good straight bone to strong pasterns and tight feet, good barrel rib with pleasing tuck up and fine topline with free well set tail and strong hind quarters giving the required pear shape ,moved well.
Class 7 Novice Dog 4/0
1st La Martina Gold Buls Patriot Mostly red with white under chest standard impressive male having large well furnished flat skull with pleasing layback rose ears far from dark eyes showing little white clean nose roll and large nose with good open nostrils ,nice upsweep to wide straight mouth ,deep chest flanked by well tacked on , firm shoulders with strong straight bone to tidy feet .strong well arched neck ,barrel rib, short broad back with good top line and pleasing tuck up, a free well set tail and strong hind quarters moved we
2nd Fortis Shockwave reddish fawn and white standard male withfirm large head having nice rose ears , dark eyes showing no white, large open nostrils,, tacked on firm shoulders ,good bone to tight feet well arched neck ,good rib and body shape moved ok excited in the ring,
1ST Albionpride Somebody New .Powerful Red and White male with pleasing broad head of good length ,having well set rose ears well away from widely spaced dark eye showing no white. open nostrils ,large nose, well cushioned foreface lovely turn of underjaw. Good depth of chest well angled tacked on firm shoulders with good bone to tidy feet presenting a pleasing front ,strong well arched neck leading to broad strong back ,barrel rib good tuck up,free tail good rear quarters .
2nd Brarabus Billy Kimber R&W chunky male with large ,broad well wrinkled head with nice well set rose ears, dark eyes showing no whit, e short but well cushioned foreface, large nose with open nostrils, nice upturn of under jaw, pleasing front having deep chest well angled firm tacked on shoulders .good bone to strong pasterns and tight feet. Short strong neck massive rib with strong short broad back with good hindquarters, moved well.
1ST. d’Or Wood Taking Off Justifiabull impressive white male with large nicely wrinkled skull both broad and wide having well set rose ears ,dark eyes set wide apart showing almost no white, well cushioned foreface ,large nose with open nostrils good pigmentation, nice turn of jaw ,pleasing front having deep chest well angled tacked on shoulders and good straight bone to sso had strong paters and tidy feet, well arched neck of good length ,barrel rib, good tuck up free tail strong rear quarters moved ok.
2nd Blenheimstar Lancelot of Jraygon little to choose between this red and white impressive male and first, He also had a large ,nicely wrinkled skull of good length and breadth , with well set rose ears ,good layback widely spaced dark eyes , well cushioned foreface ,laurge nose with open nostrils pleasing upsweep of wide under jaw deep chest, well tacked on shoulder’s to strong straight bone to tidy feet showing pleasing front, strong neck, good barrel rib with broad back to fr10ee tail and strong rear quarters, moved well
Class 10 Limit Dog 11(2) what a strong class!!
1st Testwood Total Eclipse I judged this young male as a minor puppy awarding him 2nd at the time and he has now fulfilled his promise. Still very well put together with desired long skull having well set rose ears well away from dark eyes set wide apart, good layback, large nose with open nostrils, well cushioned finely wrinkled ,clean foreface with pleasing upsweep of jaw. deep chest well tacked on shoulders with good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet producing a lovely providing a lovely front , nice arch of strong neck ,good barrel rib ,desired brisket pleasing top line ,free ,well set tail strong rear quarters providing the iconic pear shape. Moved well should have bright future
2nd.Major Bulldogs Billionaire n’Boy Another quality red and white wide apartmale with large flat head ,well wrinkled ,with well rose set ears well away from dark eyes, clean nose roll ,large nose with open nostrils well padded foreface, deep chest ,nicely tacked on shoulders ,good bone to tidy feet ,the whole offering a pleasing front, nice arch of neck short body having well barrelled rib good tuck up ,free tail good hindquarters, moved
well another with a bright future.
Class 11.Open Dog 17(😎 another very strong class
1st. Ch. Haddaway Hey Bulldog Br&W Stunning male I have judged as a gangly youngster who has matured almost beyond recognition .however maintaining the super classic bulldog head having great length & breadth with well set rose ears far from widely spaced dark eyes well padded under,, clean fine wrinkle ,strong cheeks ,large nose with wide open nostrils, well cushioned foreface with widest of upswept underjaws and the widest true mouth I have seen since Ch. Aldridge Advent Gold ,lovely deep broad chest, well tacked on firm shoulders, great straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet, well arched strong neck, massive well rounded rib cage ,showing good tick up well set free tail good rear hindquarters moved well. very close to top honours RCC RBIS.
2ND d’Or Wood San Valero at Gratiabull Another quality male I have judged before R&W standard male with super head having the great” stan off “ expression with broad skull of desired length we need to preserve in our breed, having well placed rose ears well away from dark eyes widely spaced and showing very little white, well furrowed, rounded powerful cheeks. large nose with open nostrils, ,great pigmentation lovely sweep of under jaw, ,good deep chest with well inclined tacked on shoulders .good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet ,giving the desired pleasing front, lovely arch of neck ,well ribbed, good brisket, strong broad back. p[easing tuck up,Free tail good rear quarters, moved well should have a bright future.
Class 12 MINOR PUPPY BITCH 12/0 Brilliant class including a very smart proficient handler who raised a well -deserved applause and with many nice exhibits going cardless
1st Osulkha Do As Ya Likey A lovely R&W flashy neatly packaged young female with nice well furrowed head with pleasing layback,neat rose ears well away from dark eyes wide apart ,showing a little white and well padded under. Clean fine nose roll ,large nose with wide open nostrils ,well cushioned foreface ,pleasing turn of wide underjaw ,nice deep chest with nicely inclined good length of arched neck, nice barrel rib and brisket showing good tuck up and topline well set tail above pleasing hindquarters.moved well.
2nd Ricatori Liberata Another lovely w&R well put together pied exhibit with nice skull of good length and breadth ,having well set rose ears we ll away from dark eyes set wide apart showing little white and well padded under, fine nose roll, large nose with open nostrils ,great pigmentation, pleasing sweep of underjaw good depth of chest well inclined firmly tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet giving the pleasing square front we all love,
1ST Bohemia Pride Matilda lovely R&W standard Bitch with lovely long and broad skull ,neatly furrowed, with pleasing layback , well set rose ears well away from dark set wide apart and well padded under,clean , fine nose roll, open nostrils, well cushioned foreface with lovely turn of underjaw ,good deep chest with well inclined firmly tacked on shoulders straight bone to strong pasterns and tight feet giving a nice square front ,good barrel rib with nice tuck up ,pleasing topline free well set tail over pleasing hindquarters , moved well.
2nd Katie Taylor for Klanspuchi A lovely neatly packaged white pied female with lovely long and broad skull ,neatly furrowed, with pleasing layback, well set rose ears well away from eyes widely spaced dark eyes well padded under ,fine nose roll, open nostrils ,well cushioned foreface with pleasing upturn of underjaw ,firmly tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet .nicely arched neck, lovely barrel ribcage with short broad back ,good tuck up and topline well set free tail ,lovely pear shaped body moved well
Class 14 Junior Bitch 7/0
1st Kingrock Jemima Puddleduck lovely, flashy, striking , youngster with pleasing head propertiess both broad and square having the desired flat skill with well set ears well away from her dark eyes spaced wide apart and well- padded under, clean and fine nose roll with large nose having wide open nostrils ,good depth of chest with nicely tacked on firm shoulders and good bone to strong pasterns and tight feet complete the pleasing overall front view, ,nice arch of strong neck ,strong broad back, good barrel rib and top line with free well set tail and good hindquarters ,moving well is destined fr top honours
2.Britanic Nellies Secret. Another cracking female, while pied pushed very hard for first, having a broad square skull of good length with good layback, well set rose ears well away from dark eyes set wide apart, well-padded under and showing no white with powerful cheeks ,fine nose roll , large nose with wide open nostrils, nicely cushioned foreface ,good sweep of wide underjaw, Deep chest with nicely tacked on firm shoulders ,having good bone to strong pasterns and tight feet, short , strong, broad back with barrel rib good tuck up ,free tail and strong hindquarters,moved well another with a bright future.
Class 15 NOVICE BITCH 6/2 1ST Urban Legend Del Caliborso impressive R&W with “stand- off” expression having large head with rose ears well away from dark, widely spaced eyes showing no white and well padded under ,good nose roll,over large nose with open nostrils ,well cushioned foreface with pleasing upturned underjaw, good chest with firmly tacked on shoulders and good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet,well arched neck ,barrel rib good tuck up ,free tail good rear quarters moved well,
2nd Iceglint Y’m Rosev Bemojo another R&W very similar to first having large head with rose ears well away from dark widely spaced eyes showing a little white, wel-l padded under, good open nostrils , well cushioned forefacewith pleasing upsweep ,good chest, well tacked on shoulders, good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet broad back with good rib pleasing tuck up free tail ,good hindquarters ,moved well
1st Kenzduo American Pie. Pretty W&R pied with good skull , having good layback well placed rose ears well away from widely spaced dark eyes , well- padded under and strong rounded cheeks good roll over large nose having open nostrils well cushioned foreface with pleasing upturn of underjaw .good chest flanked by well tacked firm shoulders and good straight bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet ,the whole giving a pleasing square front, strong broad back with well rounded rib ,good tuck up, pleasing topline well set free tail. moved well.
2nd Albionpride Low Key In LoveR&W with large head,rose ears,dark eye spaced wide apart good nose roll over large nose with ooen nostrils, good sweep od underjaw and well cushioned foreface.,deep chest good bone to tight feet good arch of neck ,broad back, good tuck up strong hindquarters free tail.
1ST Avaword Tarra white lovely bitch I have judged as a minor puppy and have not seen since .having classic super head both broad square and flat with excellent layback, well set rose ears far from widely placed dark eyes well- padded under, fine roll, good open nostrils pleasing upswept underjaw and well padded foreface ,terrificchest with we;; tacked on shoulders and good bone to tight feet short strong neck ,massive barrel rib, short broad back ,pleasing topline and good t tuck up strong hindquarters free well set tail.
2nd Bulldurham Phoenix Alovely R&W bitch very well put together , with a lovely broad ,square head having well set ears far from dark ,widely spaced eyes ,well padded under,good nose roll with large nose having ooen nostrils ,nice upsweep of underjaw to well cushioned foreface.good depth of chest ,firmly tacked on shoulders god bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet ,barrel rib strong broad back good tuck upfree tail, good hindquarters, moved well.
Class 18 LIMIT BITCH 14,/4 tough class!!
1ST RyadjobeStir It Up R&W Standard quality exhibit with good classic head broad, square and of good length neatly furrowed ,having well placed rose ears well away from good dark eyes spaced wide apart well padded under ,good nose roll with large nose having open nostrils, well cushioned foreface with good upsweep of wide underjaw, deep chest firmy tacked on shoulders with good bone to strong pasterns and tidy feet making a lovely front, pleasing arch of neck to good broad back with barrel rib pleasing tuck up and top line, free tail and good hindqurers,moved well
2nd La Chata Nieves at Gratiabulls, white lovely exhibit who pushed extremely hard for first, another with a lovely classic head broad ,square and of good length, well furrowed, nicely wrinkled,with well setrose ears well away from widely spaced dark eyes showing little white and well padded under,fine nose roll,good large nose with open nostrils, good pigmentation, well cushioned foreface with good sweep of wide underjaw, good depth of chest, firmly tacked on shoulders with good Bone to tidy feet ,pleasing arch of neck , broad strong back good barrel rib free tail good hindquarters, moved well
Class19 OPEN BITCJ 15/4
1ST INT/MULTI CH.R’DeeamLlovelyBulls Lagertha Belg.Jr Ch . Super White with amazing skull having broad ,square head of good length well furrowed ,great layback, stand-off expression, fine rose ears well set and long way from good dark widely spaced eyes well padded under ,strong well rounded cheeks ,fine nose roll , large nose with open nostrils well cushioned foreface with good sweep of underjaw good chest with firm tacked on shoulders to strong pasterns and tidy feet makong a good vision of a truly lovely front.strong well arched neck ,massive barrel rib with good brisket ,pleasing tuck up strong broad back ,well set tail good hindquarters, moved well.CC….BEST OPPOSITE SEX
2ND Ch Andlare Ids and Buts another lovely female I have judged before AS A JUNIOR and then awarded her a RCC ,unfortunate to meet such a lovely competitor at this show but nevertheless had to beat many a top quality competitor in this class and I am pleased how she has matured My last critique stands and I was very pleased to award her a well deserved RCC today.